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stormraven February 26th, 2010 10:13 PM

Release Schedule?
I've looked around but I haven't found any page that lists when the next update to the Pathfinder Data in HL will be released. Is that info posted somewhere? Can you give a ballpark estimate?



rob February 26th, 2010 10:44 PM

Excellent timing with this question!!!

We've been waiting for some clarifications from Paizo regarding how we were planning to proceed with the Pathfinder add-ons. We finally obtained that info *last night* and can now wrap up the pending add-ons pretty quickly. So here's where we stand....

1. Hero Lab V3.6 will ideally be released next Friday. March 5th. It's possible it will slip to the following week if we run into surprises. The V3.6 release will include some new mechanisms to simplify custom class creation. It will also have a number of new features that lots of users should enjoy.

2. The playtest classes are mostly implemented at this point and will be made available in the next week or two. We'll be following Paizo's lead with how we handle them. The playtest versions will be included with the core Pathfinder data files for the interim. When the Advanced Player's Guide is released, the finalized classes will be integrated into a separate add-on that includes all the APG material. There will be a nominal cost for this add-on - adding all this material is a LOT of work.

3. A detailed tutorial has been written for one of the playtest classes (I think it's the Alchemist). It will be released along with the playtest classes. This should make it much easier for users to add their own custom classes they devise or that they pull from 3rd party material.

4. We're striving to have the Bestiary add-on released by Friday, March 19th. We're on the road at a tradeshow the following week, so we want to get this out before the show.

Hope this gives you the answers you were looking for....

Kabump February 27th, 2010 05:37 AM

Oh sweet mary! Excellent news. Cant wait to get my alchemist moved over into herolab! I had to give up on my home-brew of the alchemist, just couldnt figure out how to add it, so in that regards Im very much looking forward to the writeup for that class, just to see how it could have been done.

thegneech February 27th, 2010 06:49 PM

Lovely. :)

Is the Bestiary going to be part of the core dataset or is that going to be a separate piece?

-The Gneech :cool:

stormraven February 27th, 2010 08:46 PM

Outstanding news, Rob! Thanks much. FYI - having demo'd about a half dozen 'character builder' tools, I think yours is by far the best. So even if you were offering the add-on at a not-so-nominal cost, your products are worth it.

I look forward to downloading your updates as soon as they are available. Thanks much!

Mindcloud March 1st, 2010 10:05 AM

This excites me as well. I will be willing to plunk down my hard earned cash for the bestiary! I also hope all of the editor functionality for monsters will be there as well?

Thor March 2nd, 2010 09:57 AM

So much mechanics have changed on RPGs since i last played AD&D v1 ... so recently, i started and jumped ($$) into PFRPG.

Just picked up Hero Labs yesterday (see post under Hero Labs). This frankly has been what I've been looking for for weeks to help facilitate STARTING a PC! It's helping me see what goes where. Nice!

Thank you for keeping up on this product and the soon to be released v3.6! I will be looking forward to the Bestiary addon as well. Having the books along with quick creature creation I believe will help in the advancement and population of Paizo's products once more people see this in use.

rob March 2nd, 2010 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mindcloud (Post 36366)
This excites me as well. I will be willing to plunk down my hard earned cash for the bestiary! I also hope all of the editor functionality for monsters will be there as well?

That's the plan. The goal is to allow users to create and customize monsters similarly to characters. But there are still some technical details that we're in the process of sorting out, so it's possible certain limitations may exist. We'll be able to provide a more definitive answer after we've had a chance to work through these remaining technical details.

rob March 2nd, 2010 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by thegneech (Post 36334)
Is the Bestiary going to be part of the core dataset or is that going to be a separate piece?

The Bestiary data will be a separate add-on.

Mindcloud March 2nd, 2010 03:45 PM

Rob you spoke earlier about Lone Wolf's "Talks" with Piazo. Does this indicate that you guys are planning closer ties with Piazo's products. i.e. Hero Lab will be Piazo's "Official Character builder"? Also are you guys contractually locked in with the D20 Pro folks or might we see support for other VTTs like maptool, Fantasy Grounds 2, or Batlegrounds?

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