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john/omar July 14th, 2009 05:19 PM

Adding Stock Portfolios?
Under the Savage Worlds "import stock hero" option I get a menu to choose a "stock portfolio". Is it possible to add to these stock portfolios (e.g., adding a bandit to the "medieval" choice? Or better still is it possible to create a new stock portfolio (for instance, putting all my "Day After Ragnarok" NPCs and monsters as one menu option and all my "Ripper" NPCs and monsters as another menu option). I've spent the last two days reviewing the help files on editing but I just can't find anything that helps me see how to do this. Is it just not currently possible (and if not could it be added to the "to-do list" for future updates)? Thanks!

Mathias July 14th, 2009 06:07 PM

Normally, Savage Worlds portfolios are saved in the HeroLab/portfolios/savage folder. Instead, save your portfolio in HeroLab/data/savage, and make sure that the file extension is .stock, instead of .por.

You could edit the existing medievel stock portfolio to add your bandit or change details of the others, but it would be overwritten every time you downloaded a new version of the files, so it's probably just better to make a "More Medieval People.stock" portfolio.

john/omar July 15th, 2009 06:04 AM

Thanks Mgehl! That's exactly what I needed to hear. I'll go and try it out. And thanks for such a speedy response too!

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