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tricks July 13th, 2009 12:01 PM

New Numina
I am trying to add new Numina through the editing tool, but they are not being added despite passing the test and all. strangely if I give the Numina the name "Test" it does appear in the list...

any ideas what's going on?:confused:

rob July 13th, 2009 06:57 PM

That's really strange. Everything is working perfectly for me here, although I'm currently using the new update that is due out within the next 24 hours. Hmmm. Instead of trying to debug something that could conceivably be a bug in the last update, please hang tight for the next 24 hours. Once the new update for HL is released, grab that and try again. If it continues to misbehave, then it's definitely something with how things are configured on your system. So we'll at least have that valuable data point and then I can try to figure out what could be causing the problem.

Let me know if this problem persists tomorrow, after you've grabbed the new version. We're striving to get it out tonight, although it could slip until tomorrow.

tricks July 15th, 2009 10:27 AM

Well, I will tell you what I did and what happened after I upgraded to the latest update.
I tried to add a Numina from the werewolf system called "Blast". Everything went fine, but I couldn't see it on the list even after a successful test. I then made another numina called "Test" and I was abel to see it, but not the "Blast".
I tried several times and had the same problem. Eventually I switched the "Test" with the blast description and I was able to see it. Somehow (not sure how) I managed to put all my numinas yesterday.
Now I updated to the latest version and "pooof" some of my Numinas are visible and some are not. it seems like nothing really stable in this problem, so I can't really point out what was that made it OK the last time... :-)

rob July 15th, 2009 02:20 PM

Hmmm. That's just bizarre behavior.

First thing to try is to forcibly recompile the data files, just in case something is wrong with how the Test mechanism is working. Within HL itself (not the Editor), go to the Develop menu and select the Compile Files option. Select the WoD files. Do you get any errors reported? If so, then what are they?

I'm assuming you won't get any errors, but this will force HL to recompile everything. Once that's done, go to the File menu and select Switch Game System, then pick WoD again. This will reload the recompiled files from scratch. Now check for your numina. Are they appearing or still missing?

If they are still missing, then please send me data file(s) that you have created. Then I can try to reproduce the behavior on my end and hopefully discover what is going sideways for you. Send them to me at helpdesk at wolflair.com.

tricks July 16th, 2009 10:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
this doesn't help and compilation is successful.
It seems that the Numina are displayed only to fit the regular window without any scrolling, although not only the last Numina are missing...

I am attaching my file. Please note that I already managed once to see all my additions, but it was a fleeting moment :)

rob July 17th, 2009 03:59 AM

OK, I think the mystery is solved. Thanks for sending me your data files.

Each of the new numina you've created is assigned the "WWtF" source requirement. This means that none of them will show up unless you have enabled that source within the Configure Character form for the character. Since it's a new source that is implicitly defined via a thing, the source is *disabled* by default. Since it's disabled, none of the new numina that you're creating will actually appear.

If you go to the Configure Character form (via the Character menu), you can enable the new source. Once you do that, all of the numina should instantly be available.

I'm not sure why the "test" thing was behaving specially. There is no "test" thing in the data files you sent, so I can't investigate this exception and be certain of what's happening. But the primary issue is definitely the source dependency.

Hope this helps....

tricks July 17th, 2009 10:15 PM

Hi, Rob
Yes that did the trick.
The test, when I made it, wasn't attached to any source. Perhaps that was the reason I saw it.

Thanks a lot.

rob July 18th, 2009 01:28 PM

Anything that is *not* assigned a source will always be visible, unless it has a special ContainReq restriction that says otherwise.

You can configure a source to be auto-selected by default when managing settings on the Configure Character form.

genroxbro August 4th, 2009 10:30 AM

New Numina

how can i create a new module.
for example, i would like to have a special copyright module, or to display a particular type of info from virtuemart database of products, and so on...
where can i found tutorial for such things or help ?

thanks a lot,

Website I designed for payday loan online company.

rob August 5th, 2009 03:35 AM

I'm not clear on what you are exactly looking for. What is a "copyright module"? And I don't know what you mean by a "virtuemart database of products". Please clarify and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.

For general examples on adding custom content via the integrated Editor, please look in the documentation for the WoD data files. There are detailed examples of adding your own material to the data files.

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