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AllusiveMan October 21st, 2021 04:58 PM

check for language known
Hoping someone can show me the script for a bootstrap condition to check to see if the hero knows a particular language (let's say elven just for the sake of example). I've been unable to find any examples to copy from. Thank you in advance.

AllusiveMan October 22nd, 2021 09:37 AM

To perhaps be a bit clearer, what I need is a tag expression to place in a bootstrap condition, checking for whether the hero knows a given language. Is there any sort of macro set up for this, or do I need to set a custom tag in an eval script using childlives or something like that, and then check for the custom tag in the tag expression? And if that's the way to go, what phase/priority should I be using for each?

Mathias October 22nd, 2021 09:40 AM

I'd write a script on your pick that does a foreach, looking for the right language(s). If you find it, set the Value field on that pick to 1, and then your bootstrap condition will be:

fieldval:Value <> 0

First/500 is the default for bootstrap conditions, but in this case, see if First/600 will work for the condition, and First/550 for the script. If not, First/500 for the bootstrap and First/490 for the script.

AllusiveMan October 22nd, 2021 09:57 AM

Many thanks. I will try these things.

AllusiveMan October 22nd, 2021 01:40 PM

Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work, no matter how I set up the timing. Seems like testing for languages known in a bootstrap is just too damn hard! I even found another thread from 5 years ago where someone was trying to do the exact same thing I'm trying to do (create custom Rings of Eloquence that automatically add languages without creating duplicates). I tried the exact things suggested there, and none of them worked.


Mathias October 22nd, 2021 03:49 PM

For this, I'd use a configurable - I think those have a languages table in PF1, and if so, you can add a generic ring, then the ring bootstraps a configurable with a table for the user to choose a language, and then the languages the user is adding will follow the normal rules. This way, you only create one magic item, not hundreds for all the languages out there.

Mathias October 22nd, 2021 03:50 PM

A general note to everyone - please tell us about the whole project - don't just ask the narrow question as to how to solve your current problem. If we know about the whole project, we may see that you're going about something in an odd way, and that there's a better overall approach that bypasses the problem you're having.

AllusiveMan October 22nd, 2021 06:21 PM

Point taken. And thank you for trying to help.

I've given up on this project, however. It's trickier than I expected and not worth the effort.

Minous October 23rd, 2021 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 297169)
A general note to everyone - please tell us about the whole project - don't just ask the narrow question as to how to solve your current problem. If we know about the whole project, we may see that you're going about something in an odd way, and that there's a better overall approach that bypasses the problem you're having.


Its best to ask about your goal, not how you are trying to achieve it. I've lost count of the number of cases where I find people trying to do things the hard way because they are unaware of the right/easy way.

With HL biggest issue you are going to be dealing with this timing for stuff like this.

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