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Happydevil43 September 8th, 2020 03:34 AM

sharing content
Did something change in a recent build that I missed.

My players are starting a new campaign and they are not getting the shared content unless the character is owned by the campaign ....

If they select owned by me (they get none of the sharing options).

I am 99% sure it wasnt that way before ?

WatersLethe September 8th, 2020 04:36 AM

This is the way it's been for as long as I recall. You have to have them owned by the campaign, but controlled by the player.

slate September 9th, 2020 11:39 AM

Yea, nothing changed since I've used it. It's always been this way.

deanepuddle September 16th, 2020 05:23 AM

So, if I own content as a player, and I put my character in a campaign where the DM doesn't own that content... I can't access my purchased content? We keep having a problem where, when the DM initialized stage mode, all our characters break and the APG content is invalid (the DM doesn't own the APG, the players do).

Ryan F September 16th, 2020 09:35 AM

Hello deanepuddle,

That doesn't sound like the correct behavior and we've seen other reports of this at our support desk as well which have similar symptoms so we have the team taking a close look at what is going on here presently.

If you, or anyone else for that matter, runs into this issue we would greatly appreciate hearing from you at our support email address <support@wolflair.com> with whatever context, descritpions, screenshots, and details you could provide if you haven't already done so.

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