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-   -   Moving Topics to different categories (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=64311)

Acenoid May 9th, 2020 04:36 PM

Moving Topics to different categories
Hey there!

I'm currently trying to clean up old topics / snippets to updated categories in a legacy realm. (I successfully updated the realm to other - but this required more fixing and due to the import issues, I will not be able to gain anything from it).

Now when moving categories some topics (for individual characters) produce an error: "hybrid tags not configured for text". The topic is still moved to the new category. If I load a backup and change the preferences, the error message changes to "hybrid tags not configured for tags". Bulk pruning of empty snippets / sections fails as well.

The topic can no longer be opened - then the error message is "wrapper object not found within list".

I wonder if there are other options to restore the topic somehow.
The topic is not different than other topics of this category and they are close to the default individual topics provided by LWD.

Please let me know what additional info you could use or if you had the same issue.

PS - A week ago or so I was able to export the whole realm, so I would be able to restore the topic (it is unchanged).

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