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Syrkres December 18th, 2019 01:43 PM

Random world building notes?
So I've been working on my custom world, but haven''t organized it yet (let alone put it into RealmWorks) and wondering how you guys enter just random world notes, which you later plan to assign or re-arrange?

Farling December 18th, 2019 01:45 PM

Just create a topic for the town/shop/whatever that you have an idea about.
Add some snippets of information about it.

Later on you can place the town/shop/whatever topic into a hierarchy of other places/things.

Ualaa December 18th, 2019 08:01 PM

Start anywhere... that's a topic.
You can move it, if you want it somewhere else later.

Add another topic down the road.
Maybe it's a place or a creature or a rule system that something else can reference.

The more you add, the more is snowballs.

Anything can reference anything else.


When you do enter a topic, use the Manage Names hotkey (Control + Shift + A).
Set the topic to be Case Sensitive.

Generally that works best if there are two or more words as the topic name.
With the first letter of each capitalized.

You can enter alternate names by which the topic may be known.
Generally make those case sensitive too.
You can set what the plural is for your topic.

You can also check for the alternate names to not be populated within the menus on the side.
That will reduce clutter if you end up with sixty cities, many with 1-3 alternate names.
The alternate names are still associated, but they aren't displayed.

You can also check the box for the name to automatically link to the topic.
So you won't get the popup asking if you'd like to link to it.

Good options to use from the get go.

Exmortis December 19th, 2019 03:08 AM

When I am building a world for the campaign I start top down, starting with a first topic for world itself, like Telon, then the regions, then the land masses get a topic, then the territories or however your world is divided along the lines of the people to their individual locations.

So think Earth>North America>Canada>Ontario>Ottawa> / or Telon>Thestra>Eastern Thestra>Vault of Heroes>Tahean's Vengeance

Reason I do this first is purely self organization. It doesn't have to go to the top, but I work down creating what divides the people to the people itself. By doing this as you work, you actually build your world around the area you are working on, and can flesh it out after. So adding a dungeon or town? work down topic by topic.

Now as an example you see I have not filled out the trading post, but I collect info and add it as I go to what I refer to as my "stickynote snippets", eventually it will be time to fill out the details in depth, and I will work from those notes.

This is what makes RW so easy to work with, create and update/cut/paste/move/copy as you go.

Bottom line you can't make a mistake, you just create topics that need attention at a later date.

Syrkres December 20th, 2019 06:54 AM

Thanks all for the info/ideas.

Yes, I am planning on starting top down for most topics, but when I get random ideas from reading reddit or other sites, i often want to put some notes or thoughts down somewhere so I don't forget them.

Also I'm still working on a "test/tutorial" realm as I am trying things out as I am learning.

kbs666 December 20th, 2019 08:12 AM

For just random ideas, just create a topic, named something like that, and put stuff in it.

However there is no rule saying how long a topic needs to be. I usually create a new topic every time I have an idea that can have a name attached. If I later decide to get rid of it or move it that is all easy.

Teresa December 20th, 2019 09:58 AM

When creating different topics for notes, I also create topics to help organize - if not only, a topic saying "random notes" where you can explain the type of subjects that feature in your random notes.

MNBlockHead December 27th, 2019 01:29 AM

General notes either go into "Plot Ideas" or "General Topic".

In-game I generally take notes on paper or in Evernote and the transfer them to the appropriate topic. Usually I add a date snippet titled "In-Game Date" that way important events and encounters appear on the timeline. The reveal history is can also be viewed as a timeline but an in-game date snippet gives me a more useful summary of what happened in the game that I can easily review before the next session to remind me what happened in the last session.

I used to use the the game-session notes in the manage realm area religiously, but I've found them to be clunky and they lack the autolinking and other contextual tools that topics give you.

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