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Obi Wan December 9th, 2018 12:42 PM

Universal Pathfinder character sheet export plugin
Hello everyone!

Since I'm a software developer, I figured that working on an xml in - pdf out plugin should be easy, and I set myself to the task. The project is at a point where I'd like to share my progress with you guys, so here's the status:

  • 12 12 2018 - added multi page support
  • 26/12/2018
    - added support for image(s) file as source
    - revamped application menu

What works:
Multi page character sheet support NEW!!
Load and work with images instead of pdf files NEW!!
Display existing form fields (text and checkbox)
Add, delete, resize, move form fields
Dynamic font size in text fields
Save as pdf with editable form fields

What partially works:
Assign value to field ( incomplete menu, only a couple options do something)

What will be added:
Save form fields position, size, and character sheet attribute as a template
Pdf fields recognition (with naming convention) to allow autofill
Unrecognized fields hint (different color highlight)
Options to bind unrecognized fields to character sheet attributes

How it looks like:


GitHub project page:

You can look at the source code here

Azhrei December 10th, 2018 03:36 PM

So, if I understand correctly, you're planning to read the XML document that is embedded inside the portfolio file (i.e., a ZIP file), or perhaps using the File -> Save Custom Output... menu option and choosing XML, and produce a PDF with editable form fields as the output? Using XML:FO, I presume?

That's pretty ambitious, but I'd love to see something like that working. The current approach of using the Ancient One's character sheet (which uses JavaScript to parse the XML data) is quite usable and I like how it executes within the browser and thus doesn't require any other pieces, but the necessary information regarding containers and what are inside them is missing from the XML. Which makes inventory management a PITN.

But anything that encourages people to file bug reports on how the XML output of HL doesn't include necessary information is a win in my book, because we're more likely to see it corrected...

In any case, thanks for your effort!

Dwayne December 11th, 2018 11:17 AM

Will the final sheet be in English or multiple languages?

Obi Wan December 12th, 2018 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Azhrei (Post 273839)
using the File -> Save Custom Output... menu option and choosing XML

That's what I'm planning! And it's rather simple to parse the xml.. once you finish mapping the bazillions of tags that are in there :D


Originally Posted by Azhrei (Post 273839)
In any case, thanks for your effort!

You're welcome bro, it's becoming quite the journey but it's also fun!!


Originally Posted by Dwayne (Post 273856)
Will the final sheet be in English or multiple languages?

As of now it's only in English, but multilanguage support is definitely doable, maybe with a little community effort - so that translations are accurate. What can't really be done is translating the xml output though, as that would mean translating the whole HL content .. something I really wish Lone Wolf would do in the future ;)

Obi Wan December 20th, 2018 06:20 AM

Heya all, quick status update from your friendly neighborhood Jedi:

I've made one major change in how you assign values to the fields: I've switched from a context menu to a side panel with an option tree. This way you don't have to navigate many levels every time you want to assign a deeply nested property, say weapons->melee->dagger->attack type->ranged

Also, the side panel is collapsible via the handy push-pin button on the upper right.

I also made a bunch of improvements to the code, but that's nerdy under-the-hood stuff that's not relevant for you folks :P

As always, the source code is available ahere

I intend to release something that you all can try, but no ETA for now ;)


Aaron December 20th, 2018 07:55 AM

Happy you're progressing. Nice work!

Stormrider December 24th, 2018 01:52 AM

I can help if you need a german translation of the sheet

EldritchWeaver December 25th, 2018 09:57 AM

Any plans to support Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might (once the latter is released coming year) as well?

Farling December 25th, 2018 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by EldritchWeaver (Post 274361)
Any plans to support Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might (once the latter is released coming year) as well?

Do these appear in the XML output as distinct sections?

EldritchWeaver December 25th, 2018 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 274364)
Do these appear in the XML output as distinct sections?

From a test export I can find something like:


<special name="Alteration: Dragon Transformation" shortname="Dragon Transformation">
<description>Sphere: Alteration

You may grant the form of a dragon with your shapeshift. The target gains a head, 4 legs with all the benefits of being a quadruped, a 40 ft move speed and a tail. The target gains a +2 natural armor bonus which increases by 1 per 5 caster levels, Darkvision 60 ft, a bite attack (Primary, 1d6, 1d4 small) and a breath weapon. This breath weapon is either a 60 ft line or a 30 ft cone, and deals either fire, electricity, acid, or cold damage as chosen at the time it is gained. The breath weapon deals 1d8 damage per 2 caster levels, and allows a Reflex save for half damage. The target must wait at least 1d4 rounds between uses of their breath weapon. A target may only possess one breath weapon at a time.

In addition, you may grant the following traits to your forms:

• A breath weapon, as that given by the dragon base form.
• Double the size of a breath weapon (must possess a breath weapon to gain this trait).</description>
Not sure if there needs to be additional support from package author to add maybe some tags.

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