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-   -   HLO support for Pathfinder ever going to happen? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=60860)

Malick July 1st, 2018 12:24 PM

HLO support for Pathfinder ever going to happen?
Hello, I havent seen any information on this in a long time, is there a release date yet as to when HLO will support Pathfinder?

wheredoigo July 2nd, 2018 05:44 AM

Lone Wolf has not mentioned when Pathfinder 1st Edition will come over to HLO. Their focus right now seems to be getting Starfinder and Pathfinder 2nd Ed. up and running. Others will come later.

evdjj3j July 2nd, 2018 06:17 PM

Here is the previous post discussing PF.


Here is the future roadmap but it is lacking in info.


GougedEye July 6th, 2018 12:58 AM

I doubt it. Well not v1 anyhow. Logic says they will go straight for v2.

LazarX July 13th, 2018 07:33 AM

I've come to the point where I don't want it. Herolab Online keeps having connection errors that require a browser reload far too often, the interface is not anywhere as intuitive as the desktop version. I would much rather be using Pathfinder 2.0 on the desktop, export character sheets as needed or deal with the limitations of the Ipad app rather than deal with this sorry excuse of a web implementation.

Jodokai July 16th, 2018 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by LazarX (Post 267964)
I've come to the point where I don't want it. Herolab Online keeps having connection errors that require a browser reload far too often, the interface is not anywhere as intuitive as the desktop version. I would much rather be using Pathfinder 2.0 on the desktop, export character sheets as needed or deal with the limitations of the Ipad app rather than deal with this sorry excuse of a web implementation.

Oh thank goodness I thought it was just me. HLO is horrendous. Not 5 minuets ago I logged in to plan out my 5th level, added the level, added the feat checked to see what my attack bonus was removed the level and feat and all my money went away. Seriously WTF I didn’t go anywhere near the journal or buy or sell any equipment. This crap happens every time I try to use it.

Please people, it was a good try, but let’s just call it a failed experiment and go back to what works

Ryan F July 17th, 2018 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jodokai (Post 268102)
Not 5 minuets ago I logged in to plan out my 5th level, added the level, added the feat checked to see what my attack bonus was removed the level and feat and all my money went away. Seriously WTF I didn’t go anywhere near the journal or buy or sell any equipment. This crap happens every time I try to use it.

Hello Jodokai,

I'm really sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having accessing your Characters, and especially the fact that it sounds like you've lost Changes that were supposed to be saved, all on top of having lost your Credits. Something is surely awry with the situation.

We'd like to open a BUG case regarding the issues so we can better investigate the cause, and hopefully find a fix to get you back in working order.

Normally I'd ask for your Username, the URL for the Character(s) that have been impacted, screenshots if possible, and any other details you provide regarding how and when this issue reared it's head.

I'd kindly ask you to send me an email with the above information to the email address you'll find in my signature, this was we can start a formal BUG Report and Support Case to ensure you get help.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, Thanks!

PS: We still fully intend to bring the Original Pathfinder RPG to Hero Lab Online in the future.

Ryan Furnas
Lone Wolf Development Support - support@wolflair.com

ethanism September 20th, 2019 05:40 AM

Has there been any update on this?

I see a mention of having intentions to bring Pathfinder 1e to HLO in the future. It's 19 months later now, have those intentions manifested in anything or are they still just intentions?

Farling September 20th, 2019 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by ethanism (Post 282384)
Has there been any update on this?

I see a mention of having intentions to bring Pathfinder 1e to HLO in the future. It's 19 months later now, have those intentions manifested in anything or are they still just intentions?

Nothing has been announced yet.......

Why not have a look in the other PF1 thread: http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=61505

Lj Stephens September 20th, 2019 08:57 AM

We are still working on it but don’t have a release date.

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