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-   -   Set Attribute to specific value? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=59755)

TCArknight December 12th, 2017 04:20 PM

Set Attribute to specific value?
Ok, I'm working on Savage Rifts, and in it the Glitter Boy Power Armor provides a strength of d12+4 (value of 9) when worn.

I'm trying this:Pretraits/5500

~Strength starts at value of 2 (d4)
var DiffStr as number
DiffStr = 7 - #trait[attrStr]

if (field[grIsEquip].value <> 0) then
  #traitcreation[attrStr] += DiffStr
  hero.child[attrStr].field[trtMaximum].value += 4

This successfully provides a strength of D12+4 if strength hasn't had any points put into it (and at a d4).

If strength is at a d6 before equipping the GB armor, Then strength becomes d12+5 when equipped. However, if it is at a d8, it still only goes up to a d12+5. At that point, when unequipped STR becomes a D6 abd there is an attribute point to spend.

Is there a used way to set an attribute to a specific value when an item is equipped?


TCArknight December 14th, 2017 08:53 AM

Anyone? Any thoughts? :)

zarlor December 14th, 2017 08:56 AM

Not from me, yet. I've been mulling it over but I'd have to find some time to really work on it and I've been just too busy. If it helps any I would probably look fro the treatcreation macro on the Wiki or in the source code to see what it's doing and maybe that could give some clues on a way to set a value without trying to do the Diff value stuff.

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