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Unseelie August 20th, 2017 11:42 PM

Thing that modifies existing sense range?
Is there an ability/racial trait I can look at in the editor that would point me in the right direction for taking an existing sense (Darkvision) and reducing the range as part of an ART?

Farling August 21st, 2017 12:07 AM

Have you looked at the feat which increases the range, to see how it is modified?

Unseelie August 21st, 2017 04:48 PM

Looking at Acute Darkvision, they just a racial special ability that has a larger range.

But, if I attempt to do that and reduce the range, it's ignored, and the special tab still states 60' instead of 30' like I want.

So, I'm stumped.

Farling August 21st, 2017 11:16 PM

Deepsight is a feat that modifies an existing darkvision. How about that?

Unseelie August 26th, 2017 02:08 PM

I've looked at it (Daywalker) now, made some changes to follow that example and it still does not work.

I can easily remove the existing Darkvision, and I can increase the range of the Darkvision, but it will not reduce the range. Instead it just leaves the existing value in place.

At this point I'm wondering if I'm running into a limitation of Hero Lab, or there's some sort of timing subtlety, and I'll need do some sort of eval script.

If you have access to the Advanced Races Compendium from Kobold Press, what I am trying to is create the Daywalker ART for the Lesser Derro.


A mutation has given this derro eyes that are much better able to withstand the harsh glare of the sun. The derro no longer has light sensitivity, and its darkvision is reduced to 30 ft. This racial trait replaces poison use.

Unseelie August 26th, 2017 02:15 PM

Or, I could create yet another Darkvision, with a 30 foot range, and replace one with the other... but I know we should try to avoid creating new things if existing ones will work. The fact that it will increase the range, but not decrease it is odd.

Mathias August 27th, 2017 10:02 AM

Did any of those suggestions use the abAdd field? A negative value in that field should work. Actually, try abImprove first - that'll only be added if there's a positive value already, so you won't accidentally end up with Darkvision -30' if someone forgets to delete the ART when they change their mind about what race to be.

Unseelie August 27th, 2017 02:15 PM

Okay, that points me towards an eval script. Neither of the examples used an eval script... I'll fool around with this.

Mathias August 27th, 2017 02:59 PM

Actually, bootstrap darkvision with an abImprove of -30 field assignment - Darkvision is already set up to stack all the copies on the character, so the -30 should get added to everything else, so the total should come out right.

Unseelie August 27th, 2017 04:52 PM

Thanks Mathias. Clearly I'm missing a concept here, because adding an abImprove -30 to raDarkVis also doesn't seem to do anything. Looking at the Debug Field History, it looks at though abImprove remains 0.


  <thing id="raKPDaywDE" name="Daywalker" description="A mutation has given this derro eyes that are much better able to withstand the harsh glare of the sun.  The derro no longer has light sensitivity, and its darkvision is reduced to 30  ft.  This racial trait replaces poison use." compset="AltRaceTrt" uniqueness="unique">
    <comment>TO DO:
Change to Darkvision range is not reflected in the special tab.</comment>
    <usesource source="bKPAdvRace"/>
    <tag group="RaReplace" tag="raLightSen"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="NoPathSoc"/>
    <tag group="AllowRCust" tag="rKPLDerARC"/>
    <tag group="RaReplace" tag="raPoiUse"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="SpecUp"/>
    <bootstrap thing="raDarkVis">
      <assignval field="abImprove" value="-30"/>

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