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-   -   How to bulk import content after categories are created? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=58837)

Valyar July 23rd, 2017 10:09 PM

How to bulk import content after categories are created?
I am in preparation for Dark Heresy Second Edition campaign, and the game system has many skills, traits, talents, items and etc. that I would like to have links to from my World Almanac articles. I prepared new custom categories for those and for things like home worlds, backgrounds and roles. Few hours of work to make it suit the format in the book, but in the end it looks awesome.

Unfortunately I don't see an obvious way to put bulk upload the data for those hundred of objects like skills and traits. Doing it by hand requires too much clicking, copy pasting and some actions have no shortcuts for. I type fast, but still it takes too much time for my taste.

At work I work with CSV, XML and other file formats that can be used to exchange data (converting to those from Excel, the most enterprise tool ever :) ), and then upload via SQL scripts or whatever arcane means the system has.

Is there a way to make bulk import of data into realm works after the "schema" has been prepared in Realm Works?

Davout_1806 July 24th, 2017 04:30 PM


Did you have any luck with this? If I'm understanding you correctly I'm trying to do something similar. In one of my realms I've created spells in the Mechanic Reference under Abilities. Now I want to copy those to a new realm.

Doing a search in the forum I found this http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=58504 but where he says Right-click and go to Assign to Views>Story Almanac, well that option is greyed out for my items in the Mechanic Reference.

daplunk July 24th, 2017 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Davout_1806 (Post 253263)
Doing a search in the forum I found this http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=58504 but where he says Right-click and go to Assign to Views>Story Almanac, well that option is greyed out for my items in the Mechanic Reference.

Mechanics cannot be assigned to the Story Almanac just like World Almanac content cannot be assigned to the Mechanics Reference. You need to create a new view for the Mechanics section and assign it to that view.

THIS should help explain is better.

daplunk July 24th, 2017 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Valyar (Post 253234)
Is there a way to make bulk import of data into realm works after the "schema" has been prepared in Realm Works?

The only way currently was provided by the community (Farling). You want to read THIS.

Farling July 24th, 2017 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 253266)
The only way currently was provided by the community (Farling). You want to read THIS.

It is a nice simple tool if you have the data available in CSV format.

How you get the data in that format might still be an issue?

Valyar July 31st, 2017 09:53 PM

I will try this tool this weekend if i steal some time. The main issue that I foresee in preparing the CSV will be removal of the end of line marks when copying from PDF :)

But for things like tables that can easily be edited, it will be golden. I am preparing to bulk import all weapons from Dark Heresy and hopefully this will do the trick.

Acenoid August 1st, 2017 10:38 AM

with editors like edit plus / notepad+ and others you can use regular expressions to replace all kinds of characters inlcuding special characters like new line ecetera.

Valyar August 4th, 2017 10:19 AM

5 Attachment(s)
I would like to report that the bulk import operation via the mentioned CSV tool was flawless. Fabulous work, i am extremely happy.

Once the .csv was properly prepared with come copy-pase and macro magics in Note++ and Excel, the rest was just few clicks and manual sorting :)

I attached some screenshots on the process, if someone is interested and has suggestion to reduce the "tools" that i use.

01 - Some raw data after copy-paste
02 - excel magics
03 - final csv
04 - mappings
05 - final result (only extra touch was adding the picture)

Farling August 4th, 2017 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Valyar (Post 253790)
I would like to report that the bulk import operation via the mentioned CSV tool was flawless. Fabulous work, i am extremely happy.

I'm glad you like it :-)

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