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thrilled July 12th, 2017 02:41 PM

Opening old character files...
Hi everyone!

I have some old character files since 2012 that I really need to open and look at. The problem for me is when I do that then all the characters are at lvl 1. If I increase the lvls then I need to do the regular lvl up again. I don't recall how I had built them and this is why I want to check it out now.

Anyone know how I can overcome this. I downloaded the latest version of Hero Lab and reassigned my old license.


khaoz July 12th, 2017 03:15 PM

I have no idea if this suggestion will work, but... Try opening the .por in a program that handles .rar files, like the forever available WinRAR, if you can see any folder named statblocks_*something* you might be lucky enough to find the information you need so you can rebuild the character.

NOTE: stablocks_*something* is what I use for Pathfinder RPG, a different system might use a different name.

thrilled July 12th, 2017 03:26 PM

Thanks I will see what it makes... I am also using Pathfinder for a reference...

Duggan July 13th, 2017 11:57 AM

FWIW, early early portfolios were not ZIP files, but were basically just XML files, still parseable.

thrilled September 25th, 2018 11:42 AM

Long time since I posted this....

I am still trying to figure out my progression on some old created characters.

I can open the .por files however they are all at lvl 1 and I know when I created them I made them completed until lvl 20.

How can I find out the progression I had planned for them?


Duggan September 25th, 2018 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by thrilled (Post 270871)
Long time since I posted this....

I am still trying to figure out my progression on some old created characters.

I can open the .por files however they are all at lvl 1 and I know when I created them I made them completed until lvl 20.

How can I find out the progression I had planned for them?


Can you share it with us? It might have Advance entries in the HTML.

Mathias September 26th, 2018 03:24 PM

thrilled, is there anywhere else you might have saved different versions of these characters? Could these be the level 1 versions and the level 20 versions are saved elsewhere? The way Hero Lab stores information, it couldn't have deleted just those levels and everything associated with them and still leave a level 1 character that loads without errors.

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