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Madmaxneo June 30th, 2017 05:54 PM

Unable to uninstall or remove imports
I know this has been brought up before but I couldn't find the topic so I am posting it here.
I installed the 3 free content market stuff and would really like to remove them now, but I am unable to delete any of the content.
Other than getting some duplicate tags error every time I open them the content just does not fit my game and was looking to uninstall it but I have been unable to find a way to do that.
I figured it would have been in the last update but it was not.

Is there a fix being worked on for this?

Silveras July 1st, 2017 07:59 AM

As far as I know, there is no "fix" because this is how it is intended to work.

When importing, you can do so as a preview in order to review it before committing the new content to the Realm. That's when you have the option of discarding it. After that point, it is integrated and you would need to manually delete it. You can find it by using the filter on the Navigation Pane to limit the displayed content to the bits that have the proper import tag.

Otherwise, your best bet is to use an empty Realm to import into first. Review it there, and then delete the Realm when you're done. If you like what you saw, you can import into your "working" Realm(s) as desired later; if you don't like what you saw, no harm done.

ErinRigh July 2nd, 2017 12:13 AM

Actually Silveris careful what you say, the general public does not have preview, that is stil in beta

Viking2054 July 2nd, 2017 05:18 AM

if you haven't synced up to the server, can't you just delete your local database file and then sync down?

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