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Greylin June 18th, 2017 09:22 AM

3.5 Gunslinger

Black powder has been discovered in our 3.5 campaign, so we are adding Musketeer class based on a lightly-modified Gunslinger from Pathfinder.

My coding ability is limited - if I can find an ability that is similar to what I'm trying to code I can generally make it work.

Can you suggest any 3.5 abilities that approximate gunslinger abilities that I could refer to in order to copy and amend?

- Gun Training: Dex bonus to damage on specific weapons
- Grit: Adding a Tracked Resource based on Wis bonus (I currently hard-coded it for the 1 character in play)

Is there a way to access Pathfinder files to cut and paste code without buying the license?

With best regards,


PS I was able to get the Nimble ability (+1 dodge bonus to AC in light / no armour) by adapting the Dervish ability

Dami June 18th, 2017 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Greylin (Post 251546)
Is there a way to access Pathfinder files to cut and paste code without buying the license?

Access - Yes. Load up Pathfinder and start the editor. You can look at most abilities to see how they were put together in PF. Eg: Grit is a Class Special. You can try and copy the scripts, etc across to d20, but the systems aren't the same, so don't be surprised if you get a bunch of errors.

ShadowChemosh June 19th, 2017 11:10 AM

Actually Gunslinger is from Ultimate Combat so to even see the data in the editor you would need to purchase the UC license. :(

Illyahr June 20th, 2017 06:11 AM

For dex to damage, look at the Shadow Blade feat from Time of Battle. For a thing with Wis charges, use this

timing=post attributes
field[hTotal].value = #attrmod[aWIS]

Greylin June 24th, 2017 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Illyahr (Post 251637)
For dex to damage, look at the Shadow Blade feat from Time of Battle. For a thing with Wis charges, use this

timing=post attributes
field[hTotal].value = #attrmod[aWIS]

Thank you; this was spot-on.

Grit is sorted - added as a counter that calculates Wis bonus.

I set up Gun Training as Class Specials (5th, 9th, 13th, 17th) that give a free Show-only Feat that applies the Dex bonus to damage:


~ If we're disabled, do nothing
      doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)

      ~ Set focus from the drop down or the Target.? tag
      var id  as string
      var name as string
      call fTargetId
      ~ We can't do anything without a unique id
      doneif (empty(id) <> 0)

      ~ Assign the appropriate tag to all weapons that meet the criteria
      foreach pick in hero where "IsWeapon." & id
eachpick.field[wDamBonus].value += hero.child[aDEX].field[aModBonus].value

It seems there must be a way to get the bonus applied directly in the Class Special using the Dropdown Selection Setup but I couldn't figure out how to pass the Dropdown through to the weapon.

Any guidance is welcome!

With best regards,

John / Greylin

Illyahr June 24th, 2017 10:37 AM

The Shadow Blade feat is built with "feat" language that only affects a specific weapon (hence the dropdown), so using the lines directly won't translate properly.

I'd go ahead and change the lines to this:


doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

foreach pick in hero from BaseWep where "thingid.wGun1 | thingid.wGun2 | ..."
eachpick.field[wDamBonus].value += #attrmod[aDEX]

Just substitute the appropriate weapon ID for the "wGun1" and "wGun2" areas. Repeat the sample lines for each weapon you want the bonus to apply to.

Greylin June 24th, 2017 11:25 PM

I want to maintain the drop-down to select the specific weapon (e.g., Pistol, Dragon Pistol, Coat Pistol, etc.). I can enable that in the Dropdown Selection Setup in the class special. How would I capture that so the weapon IDs are not hard-coded in the ability?

ShadowChemosh June 25th, 2017 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Greylin (Post 251868)
I want to maintain the drop-down to select the specific weapon (e.g., Pistol, Dragon Pistol, Coat Pistol, etc.). I can enable that in the Dropdown Selection Setup in the class special. How would I capture that so the weapon IDs are not hard-coded in the ability?

You will need to add the same "tag" to each of these guns. I would recommend using the wGroup.? tag group which is under the 'Group' button in the editor. Then you can create a new tag of say wGroup.GrGuns or something. I added "GR" to represent your special two character unique user iD. You always want to do that to prevent clashing with official or community Thing ID's. You can also setup your user id value in the editor by going to "Tools->Set User Identifier".

Then once created and added to all the weapons. Your custom expression for the dropdown can be:

component.BaseWep & wGroup.GrGuns

Greylin August 6th, 2019 12:39 PM


Our gunslinger reach 5th level so now gets this feat. The feat appeared to work fine when I tested it 2 years ago but in hindsight I never tested re-loading a character with the ability. Sure enough, when I save and re-load the character I get the error, "Pick fMskGunTra has been orphaned as it can no longer be added to the portfolio" (fMskGunTra is my ShowOnly Feat which is called by the Class Special at 5, 9, 13, 17 levels). I get the error four times (once for each time the Class Special calls the Feat at 5, 9, 13, 17 levels).

In the character sheet, the feat still appears under the class tab (with a pull-down weapon list which keeps its state) and also under the Feat tab - also with a pull-down weapon list but this does NOT keep its state.

Note the character otherwise appears to work, and as long as I re-select the weapon in the Feat pull-down list each time I re-load it still calculates correctly - so it's not a game-breaking error. But it's annoying!

Can you give me any tips of anything to look at?

Sendric August 7th, 2019 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Greylin (Post 280978)

Our gunslinger reach 5th level so now gets this feat. The feat appeared to work fine when I tested it 2 years ago but in hindsight I never tested re-loading a character with the ability. Sure enough, when I save and re-load the character I get the error, "Pick fMskGunTra has been orphaned as it can no longer be added to the portfolio" (fMskGunTra is my ShowOnly Feat which is called by the Class Special at 5, 9, 13, 17 levels). I get the error four times (once for each time the Class Special calls the Feat at 5, 9, 13, 17 levels).

In the character sheet, the feat still appears under the class tab (with a pull-down weapon list which keeps its state) and also under the Feat tab - also with a pull-down weapon list but this does NOT keep its state.

Note the character otherwise appears to work, and as long as I re-select the weapon in the Feat pull-down list each time I re-load it still calculates correctly - so it's not a game-breaking error. But it's annoying!

Can you give me any tips of anything to look at?

I'm afraid I'm not very good at debugging unless I can see what's happening. Any chance you can attach the user file so I can take a look?

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