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-   -   Is there a quick way to fix duplicate structures? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=58218)

Sword_of_Spirit April 22nd, 2017 05:04 PM

Is there a quick way to fix duplicate structures?
When I was originally building my realm, I copied all the categories, hid the originals, and used my copies. No need to worry about accidentally messing stuff up with my category customizations.

Enter "Realm Works has detected structure items with duplicate or reserved names in the realm "<Realm>".

In order to perform import, export, or game system conversion, all Categories and Domains in your realm must have unique names which are not reserved by Realm Works. Additionally, all Section Definitions and Snippet Types must have unique names within their Category."


So if I want to keep my realm fully functional for the future, I'm going to have to convert all the zillions of topics I have to the default categories.

Is there a way to do this sort of thing for all topics in a category, or am I going to have to do it individually for each one?

I have a similar issue with some sections, but I'm less hopeful there is any fix for that but doing it one by one.

Also, anything else I should be on the look out for that can give me problems like that? (I have not deleted anything--I've only hid things I'm not using, and created some duplicately named sections (in addition to the categories) where I was having problems getting what I wanted with the original.)

Farling April 22nd, 2017 05:31 PM

From the manage category window, I think you can choose to move all topics/articles from one category to another.

daplunk April 22nd, 2017 06:01 PM

Open Realm > Manage > Categories > Select Category Tool bar Icon (on right) > Move all Topics to Category > Select From List.

Silveras April 22nd, 2017 07:44 PM

If it is just that your topic names are the same as the originals, add a "2" or your initials to the name so they are no longer the same.

Within a topic definition, if you have snippets with the same name, you can do the same.

Parody April 22nd, 2017 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Silveras (Post 248585)
If it is just that your topic names are the same as the originals, add a "2" or your initials to the name so they are no longer the same.

Yeah, the category names should be different. I added "(Paranoia)" to the ones in my Paranoia realm, for example. (I also made the abbreviations different, FWIW.)


Originally Posted by Silveras (Post 248585)
Within a topic definition, if you have snippets with the same name, you can do the same.

This is unfortunate since the snippet names are the labels, but if you want the error message to go away you have to rename them somehow.

Sword_of_Spirit April 24th, 2017 05:58 PM


It sounds like it won't be as hard as I had thought.

Here's another question. I'm considering converting it to a D&D 5e structure. What would this do to my customizations? I'd basically want to keep most of my customizations, but having the elements that differ between the 5e and default structure switched to 5e might be nice. But if it is going to throw all of my customizations out of whack, that might just be more trouble than it is worth.

Parody April 24th, 2017 06:39 PM

It depends on how much you're using the Global Categories and Tag Domains; anything in those may change and new ones may be created that have the same names as yours. You said you're using your own Categories but haven't said how much you're using (and/or how much you've customized) the Global Tag Domains.

One way to see, though, is to sync up (assuming you have Cloud Service) then do the conversion. If you don't like the results, restore from backup or redownload from the server.

Sword_of_Spirit April 24th, 2017 07:17 PM

Well the goal is (to avoid issues in the future), to eliminate my duplicate categories, converting my topics based on them into standard global categories. Then I would customize the global categories.*

I've done quite a bit of customization to some of the categories (or rather, to my duplicates, which will presumably have to be reapplied to the global categories once I get rid of my duplicates). I've also added plenty of tags in the tag domains, but some of the 5e ones look rather enticing. Ideally I could snag what they've done without losing what I've done.

*As an aside, one of the biggest issues I have with customizing global categories is that you can't change the ordering of sections, or move snippets from one section to another. Some of my duplication problems come from creating new stuff to try to get around that. I really wish that limitation would change.

Parody April 24th, 2017 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sword_of_Spirit (Post 248696)
Well the goal is (to avoid issues in the future), to eliminate my duplicate categories, converting my topics based on them into standard global categories. Then I would customize the global categories.

My recommendation is to stick with your own categories rather than customizing the Globals if you don't want to use their organization.


Originally Posted by Sword_of_Spirit (Post 248696)
I've also added plenty of tags in the tag domains, but some of the 5e ones look rather enticing. Ideally I could snag what they've done without losing what I've done.

I have avoided adding new tags to the Global Domains, making new Domains instead if I wanted to customize them. I have had tags disappear when they were in the previous system's Globals but not the new ones, so be on the lookout for that.


Originally Posted by Sword_of_Spirit (Post 248696)
As an aside, one of the biggest issues I have with customizing global categories is that you can't change the ordering of sections, or move snippets from one section to another. Some of my duplication problems come from creating new stuff to try to get around that. I really wish that limitation would change.

That's going against the purpose of the Global items, though. They exist to facilitate selling products with uniform organization and system-defined terms so that folks buying content know that it matches with the stated game system, know what various Topics/Articles are going to look like, and can integrate it into their other stuff reasonably well.

So do you plan on buying/importing or selling content? If not then there's not much point in converting back to the Global Categories, though you may want to convert the system to get the predefined Tags.

Given that you said the system is D&D 5e, you may want to wait for the release of the SRD and more fleshed-out content than Pixies to see which direction is right for you. For now you could do a trial conversion (perhaps in a duplicate of your realm) and play with a few Topics/Articles just to see if you think it's going to be worth it given the limitations.

(It's a lot easier when your system isn't going to have content. :)

Sword_of_Spirit May 12th, 2017 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Parody (Post 248709)
I have avoided adding new tags to the Global Domains, making new Domains instead if I wanted to customize them. I have had tags disappear when they were in the previous system's Globals but not the new ones, so be on the lookout for that.

Dang. That will be a real pain. I have a few new domains, but I generally used domains and tags as is where I could, and added in tags when needed (and I've added in a lot of tags). I supposed I can compare the tags from the Legacy framework to the 5e framework and then check and see if I'm using any that don't exist anymore.


That's going against the purpose of the Global items, though. They exist to facilitate selling products with uniform organization and system-defined terms so that folks buying content know that it matches with the stated game system, know what various Topics/Articles are going to look like, and can integrate it into their other stuff reasonably well.

So do you plan on buying/importing or selling content? If not then there's not much point in converting back to the Global Categories, though you may want to convert the system to get the predefined Tags.
While I'd like to have content market compatibility in case I do want to get something (who knows what might be available on the market some day), I'm thinking it might not work out for me to convert my categories.

No option exist to hide certain sections and snippets on some topics, but not on others (other than simply removing empty section/snippets) correct? If that is the case, that would mean that if I downloaded anything from the content market, I'd unhide all the things I hid (and have it show up by default on my own topics) in order to see some of the content, which isn't something I want to mess with. I changed the format of my categories for a reason.

If that's the case, then it seems (correct me if I'm wrong) that my best option is probably just to rename and keep my own categories, and accept that I'm going to have to unhide and navigate through some default categories if I want to use content from the market.

So now I come to renaming...

Is there any way to add an invisible character to the category names and have Realm Works register it as a different name? I've tried a few types of spaces--even putting a space in front of the name--and Realm Works manages to see through my ruse, ignore the space, and refuse to accept it as a uniquely named category.

I really don't want to add a 1 or . or something to the ends of the category names (that significantly reduces the aesthetic quality of my Realm, which is part of the reason I bought the software in the first place), and I definitely can't think up better names for dozens of different categories.

Does anyone have any naming solutions?

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