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chaoscowboy April 10th, 2017 01:58 PM

Append Power Information?
So as part of my little cobbled together document to make editing/creating Iron Gods npcs easier for myself, and to add in options that are oddly missing from the pathfinder community files, I went and did up my attempt at the Psionics domain. This domain is like the magic domain in that you get dispel magic as a touch, only instead of dispel magic it's dispel psionics.

The problem I'm having is the original I based it off of used append spell information to synchronise the /day calculations on the ability with that of the spell it gives access to. There isn't something easy and elegant like this for psionics that I can find.

I've currently got the dispel psionics bootstrapped but can't get the trkMax field of said bootstrapped item to play nice with the ability it's tied to (including all the nice calculations). If I have to do this through an eval script I will but I don't know how to select a specific psi-like ability that is bootstrapped to a class ability for said domain.

ShadowChemosh April 10th, 2017 07:58 PM

For Psionics use DescInfo.? instead of SpInfo.? to achieve the same results as the original Magic Domain ability.

chaoscowboy April 21st, 2017 08:31 AM

I did that and it doesn't show up under the psionics tab.

ErinRigh April 21st, 2017 08:59 AM

Is DescInfo.? spelled correctly, is seems to make more sense to me as DiscInfo.?

ShadowChemosh April 21st, 2017 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by chaoscowboy (Post 248477)
I did that and it doesn't show up under the psionics tab.

I could be misunderstanding. The Tag I mentioned was to add "Description Information" of a Psionic Power to the pop up text of an ability.

In example the Paladin Detect Evil class ability uses "DescInfo.spDetEvil1" to append the Desc Info from the Detect Evil spell to the class ability pop up.

It sounds like your trying to get the full Psionic Power to display on the Psionics tab a Psi-Like power? If that is the case that is different you have to bootstrap the Power to the class ability and set the Helper.PsiLike tag. Then the Usage.? tag for how often and finally set the trkMax fields for the number of uses.

HERE is an example on GitHub where it is setup on a race.


Originally Posted by ErinRigh (Post 248480)
Is DescInfo.? spelled correctly, is seems to make more sense to me as DiscInfo.?

Its not "Disclipline Information" its the generic tag group "Description Information" used on most Things. So if I wanted to append the text for the Dodge feat onto a class ability I would do "DescInfo.fDodge" and the dodge text would display at the bottom of the text pop up window. :)

ErinRigh April 21st, 2017 09:09 AM

thanks SC

chaoscowboy April 21st, 2017 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 248481)
I could be misunderstanding. The Tag I mentioned was to add "Description Information" of a Psionic Power to the pop up text of an ability.

In example the Paladin Detect Evil class ability uses "DescInfo.spDetEvil1" to append the Desc Info from the Detect Evil spell to the class ability pop up.

It sounds like your trying to get the full Psionic Power to display on the Psionics tab a Psi-Like power? If that is the case that is different you have to bootstrap the Power to the class ability and set the Helper.PsiLike tag. Then the Usage.? tag for how often and finally set the trkMax fields for the number of uses.

HERE is an example on GitHub where it is setup on a race.

Its not "Disclipline Information" its the generic tag group "Description Information" used on most Things. So if I wanted to append the text for the Dodge feat onto a class ability I would do "DescInfo.fDodge" and the dodge text would display at the bottom of the text pop up window. :)

Which is what I did in the first place at my first post when I couldn't make description info do what I wanted it to. I want this to be the psionic version of magic domain's dispel psionics. The question I'm asking then is how, via script, can I target something that is bootstrapped and alter it's usage or caster level or what have you. I say caster level cause I'm also working on some prestige archetypes like the sighted seeker (who's PRC doesn't exist in the pack yet, but not a big deal) and one of the abilities there is affected by that.

ShadowChemosh April 21st, 2017 10:17 AM

My original answer was how to make your Class Ability work exactly the same as the Magic Domain does. The way the Magic Domain works is that the Class Ability itself is setup as a Spell-Like ability (it does not bootstrap any spells). It has the AbilType.SpLike & Usage.Day & SpInfo.spDispelMagic tags. This causes the "Class" ability to appear on the Spells tab with the Dispel Magic information.

To make your stuff Psionic you would make it AbilType.PsiLike & Usage.Day & DescInfo.puDisPsio3. This should cause your class ability to appear on the Psionics tab and will append the Dispel Psionics power text to the ability.

Hopefully this puts us on the same page. :)

chaoscowboy April 21st, 2017 10:22 AM

Alright, but say I did want to make it appear in the psionic page (which when I choose magic domain the spell shows up there so I guess it's a special function of SpInfo vs DescInfo?) how do I, through script, set focus, select, what have you on the boostrapped item attached to said ability?

ShadowChemosh April 21st, 2017 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by chaoscowboy (Post 248488)
Alright, but say I did want to make it appear in the psionic page (which when I choose magic domain the spell shows up there so I guess it's a special function of SpInfo vs DescInfo?) how do I, through script, set focus, select, what have you on the boostrapped item attached to said ability?

AbilType.PsiLike is the tag that "should" be making it appear. If not its an issue in the UI and we can "ask" LW to fix that. It should work the same was as AbilType.SpLike.

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