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-   -   Does anyone know the name of the adept power points quality? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=57637)

Senko February 6th, 2017 05:09 PM

Does anyone know the name of the adept power points quality?
I'm trying to make a variant mystic adept and part of that is giving them automatic power points like an adept (unbalanced yes but its an experiment to familiarize myself with the editor) but I can't find them. Does anyone know if there's a quality buried somewhere we can copy bits from for the formula that gives an adept magic rating in power points?

adzling February 7th, 2017 07:23 AM

the only thing i'm aware of is the adjustments in the personal tab for powerpoints but this does not involve the editor and only affects the single person your editing.

Senko February 7th, 2017 01:26 PM

Yep I'm trying to figure out if there's a formula/quality in the editor that accounts for the magic in power points or if its one of those hard coded things you need to be an experienced programmer to even think about touching.

Alistair February 10th, 2017 03:11 PM

I haven't compiled it to test anything, but it looks like the Adept quality has a tag:
Group id: MentPowUse with a TagID of Adept, and Mystic Adept lacks this. There's nothing in the Adept Quality vs Mystic Adept Quality I can see that is explicit power point numbers, and they Mystic Adept Quality gives all the same Capabilities as Adept

Kiirnodel February 10th, 2017 03:38 PM

Not sure how to have it working as the character progresses, but it wouldn't be too difficult to simply make the karma cost of the Mystic Adept's Power Points equal to 0. So at character creation that would at least let you have up to your Magic Rating in free power points.

Either that, or what Alistair just commented on might lead you to what you want.

Senko February 13th, 2017 01:00 AM

I did try adding that myself but it didn't seem to do anything at least my msystic test subject still had to buy power points seperately. Still I'll look into it.

Mathias February 13th, 2017 07:41 AM

The mechanics for this are implemented on the Adept Power Points resource. I'm sorry to say that at this time, resources have not been added to the editor yet.

The scripts there are testing for Hero.MystAdept - any other character will be treated as a normal adept. So try going to the qualities tab in the general grouping, making a copy of Mystic Adept, and in the Capabilities Added section, un-checking "Mystic Adept", and then save that as a new quality. I haven't had a chance to search for what other things un-checking that option will change, so you'll want to do some extensive testing after making this new option.

Senko February 14th, 2017 09:03 AM

I see thanks. I'll try to do some testing and see what that changes when I next get a chance (moving this saturday so may be a few day's).

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