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reallemon February 1st, 2017 12:57 PM

Are custom calendars possible yet?
I saw that they were available to beta members, but that seems to be from 7 months ago or so. Are these available yet? If not, is there an ETA on when they will be?

EightBitz February 2nd, 2017 02:37 AM

Custom calendars are not available right now. If I recall correctly, the way they implemented them proved to be problematic. I think this was about the time when they took a poll to ask everyone to rate upcoming features in order of preference.

I don't know the ETA.

Merion February 2nd, 2017 07:01 AM

I think they said that there was only a small group of people who really wanted this, so they pushed this back as it is appearently a complex matter. If I remember correctly.

Vargr February 2nd, 2017 10:32 AM

A small group perhaps - but certainly very vocal!

I believe it is some way down the road, just out of sight - or so I like to imagine it...

Barwickian February 2nd, 2017 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Vargr (Post 243162)
A small group perhaps - but certainly very vocal!

Some of us are not so vocal about it, but still very keen to see it happen. ;)

We've been waiting patiently because we know and accept the content sharing and content market is the top priority.

mazzy February 2nd, 2017 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Barwickian (Post 243163)
Some of us are not so vocal about it, but still very keen to see it happen. ;)

We've been waiting patiently because we know and accept the content sharing and content market is the top priority.

INDEED!!! oh, did that come out a bit loud, sorry... ;)

But to reiterate what the others have said, there isn't an ETA but I believe it is still very much on their "List o' things to do!"

EightBitz February 2nd, 2017 11:03 AM

Out of curiosity, those of you who want custom calendars, how do you customize them? Do you keep basically keep the same calendar format, and rename the months or use a different offset?

Or do you restructure the whole thing? With months of different lengths than we use, and different year lengths?

What's the scoop?

Barwickian February 2nd, 2017 11:22 AM

For me, I want to be able to create:

The Gloranthan Calendar (42-week year broken down into 5 8-week seasons, each of 7 named days, and a 2-week Sacred Time)

The Hârn Calendar (360 days of 12 30-day months)

The Third Imperium Calendar (basically an offset Julian) with corresponding conversion to Gregorian and Zhodani.

The Hijri Calendar (lunar celendar of 354 or 355 days broken down into 12 months), with conversion to Julian and Gregorian.

Give me a few months and I'll want the Greyhawk calendar as well.

At the moment, my main campaign is in Golarion, which uses the Gregorian calendar with different month names. I can cope with it as is.

It seems simpler to allow me to create custom calendars

AEIOU February 2nd, 2017 11:55 AM

Calendars were one of the the runner-up items when voting on features many years ago. The top priorities were market and journals. Maybe web access was in there? Printing and exporting received an honorable mention because we were indeed a very small but very vocal group.

Market is so close we can almost smell it.

Journals we haven't heard much about.

Calendars remain on the horizon and we try not to talk about them as we usually get worked up when we do.

Printing and exporting coincided with changes to html and how the Market is being implemented. This was released "early". I've noticed fewer pitchforks and torches lately so this was probably a good thing.

the_redbeard February 2nd, 2017 12:17 PM

I just freaking can't stand the calendar interface the program has now. I finally figured out how it is intended to be used, but I wish I could just type a freaking date. If there is a way to type the date, I haven't been able to figure it out. UGH. Wouldn't being able to just type the date be a simpler interface than the mouse clicking popup, which doesn't make clear which portions are clickable? It's one of the aspects of RW that moves me to profanity.

I simply delete the supplied date snippets and insert my own. It's much better for my blood pressure.

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