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Cullyn August 26th, 2005 07:57 PM

WotC and Hecatomb
I know that Wolflair has a special relationship with WotC concerning Magic, but is that relationship going to extend to the new Hecatomb game that has been released? It'd be nice to use Card Vault for this game as well and I've not been able to find any information on it here in these forums as of yet.


brimitch August 26th, 2005 08:43 PM

WotC and Hecatomb
Yes, our plans are to extend Card Vault support for Hecatomb as well,
provided we get data from WotC. Getting caught up on Magic is clearly our
first priority, but we've already had the necessary discussions with WotC,
and they are on board for Hecatomb data files.


At 08:57 PM 8/26/2005, you wrote:

>I know that Wolflair has a special relationship with WotC concerning
>Magic, but is that relationship going to extend to the new Hecatomb game
>that has been released? It'd be nice to use Card Vault for this game as
>well and I've not been able to find any information on it here in these
>forums as of yet.


Brian Mitchell
Director of Sales & Marketing
Lone Wolf Development
Phone: 253-447-4979
Fax: 253-299-6487
email: brian@wolflair.com

Cullyn August 28th, 2005 06:18 PM

Excellent news indeed. Hopefully we'll see those come down the pike sometime in the near future. Thanks for the response!!


Cullyn October 5th, 2005 03:24 AM

Out of morbid curiosity, any futher word on Hecatomb data files?

brimitch October 5th, 2005 10:09 AM

WotC and Hecatomb
Still waiting to get the spoiler data in the format WotC knows we can use
to put the data files together. I'll be following up with WotC later today
to inquire after the Ravnica spoilers as well. Hopefully we'll have both
soon so we can get them loaded in.


At 04:24 AM 10/5/2005, you wrote:

>Out of morbid curiosity, any futher word on Hecatomb data files?


Brian Mitchell
Director of Sales & Marketing
Lone Wolf Development
Phone: 253-447-4979
Fax: 253-299-6487
email: brian@wolflair.com

torgeir42 February 6th, 2006 09:15 AM

Any word on when the data files will be released?

rob February 11th, 2006 09:50 PM

WotC and Hecatomb
When WotC had the big layoff late last year, one of the casualties was our primary contact person from whom we obtained much of the source data we use in creating CV data files. A second casualty was one of the two VPs that have been extremely helpful to us in the past. Then came the annual distributor meetings a week or two ago, which consumed all the attention of the remaining staff at WotC. So we've been "on hold" with WotC for awhile.

The good news is that we received an email from the remaining VP that indicated a new contact person had been identified for us. The email also stated that the new contact person still needed to be briefed on everything, and that that would be done early this coming week. Once that happens, we can then start asking for the source data we need.

So, ASSUMING that the new contact person is fully briefed early this coming week, we can then start the process of working with that person. Past history has shown that it takes us at least a week or two to get things going smoothly with a new contact person at WotC. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the spin-up time will be short, but that's been our past experience. Once we obtain data from the new contact person at WotC, in a format we can use, we then need to get the data files created and/or updated to include the new material.

The bottom line on this is that an absolute best-case scenario would be the end of this coming week for updates to the Magic data files (i.e. we're given exactly the data we need, in the format they were last giving us the data, and we receive it on Tuesday). A more likely scenario for Magic is two weeks. For games we haven't received any data for, we will need to develop initial files once we receive the data from WotC, and that takes a good bit longer (especially since that needs to be juggled between all the other things we're working on). It's also possible that we have all sorts of problems with the new contact person (e.g. slow to get data, the data we're given is in a completely new format, etc.), in which case I won't even guess at how long it will take. Since we haven't even spoken to the new contact person yet, we have no idea what hurdles will be encountered, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things go well. :-)

The good news is that the new contact person is supposed provide us with a single resource for data for all of WotC's games. So once we get things sorted out with the new contact person, everything should proceed relatively smoothly for all of WotC's games. Once we get a system in place with the new contact person for a couple of the games, the others should start to flow more smoothly.

With respect to Hecatomb specifically, a CV user has put together preliminary data files independently, and he contacted us about them. We're waiting for more details on that front, but we might have Hecatomb files available in the relatively near future as a result of this user's efforts. Keep an eye out within the Updates mechanisn for more details, or feel free to post a follow-up question hear if you don't hear anything in the next couple of weeks.


At 10:15 AM 2/6/2006, you wrote:


Any word on when the data files will be released?

FifthWanderer April 19th, 2006 10:32 AM

Any word on when we can expect Axis & Allies files? And is there any word on support for the upcoming Dreamblade game from Wizards? I was thinking about writing my own data files, but I don't want to get started only to find that there are official data files.

bugga! October 24th, 2006 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by FifthWanderer
Any word on when we can expect Axis & Allies files?

I originally came here looking for Army Builder data files for Axis and Allies:Miniatures!

Whilst I see some relevance to CCG, my reasoning was that building forces to a pre-defined point value made A&A:M applicable to Army Builder, just as Warhammer, et al. ( No prizes for guessing which app I own...:) )

torgeir42 October 24th, 2006 11:46 AM

To go back to the main topic. I was checking the lists and didnt see hecatomb to download still. Any word when it will be out or did i just not notice it on the list. I have been known to overlook things right infront of me before.

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