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salcor May 24th, 2016 07:48 PM

Sci Fi Companion Question - Cyberware Grades
I am playing around with the Cyberware aspect of the Sci Fi companion file and it had the option of using the cyberware grade rules. How do I change the grade of the cyberware that I am installing? I am trying to make a character for a stopwatch high powered campaign.


CapedCrusader May 26th, 2016 12:20 AM

To do what you're after, you need to create multiple version of the cyberware by grade.

To see what it looks like, in the editor create a piece of cyberware and assign tag group="cybGrade" tag="1" to it (Gutterware). The editor is set up to assign this using that drop-down. There are codes 1-4 for the various grades. Then create a hero, and select Sci-Fi Companion, and also select Show Cyberware and Use Cyberware Grades. When you pull up the list of cyberware, you can see that new one listed under "Gutterware".

salcor May 26th, 2016 03:48 PM

Thanks. When the Sci fi companion was made were cyberware created with grades?


CapedCrusader May 27th, 2016 02:18 PM

No, the Sci-Fi Companion material doesn't use grades. I added that because I knew that Interface Zero 2.0 used it, and I know of several other cyberware settings that also use that idea. That's the reason I didn't build any math into it to figure cost or anything by grade. Each setting would use it's own formulas and I didn't want to bias it.

salcor May 31st, 2016 12:42 PM

Is it possible to look at the files from Sci Fi companion in the editor? I am trying to see how you did things like the Attribute Increase cyberware which increases the die type a step.


zarlor May 31st, 2016 03:18 PM

When you are in the Editor on the Cyberware tab just click on the "New (Copy)" button and you can select items from other files you have loaded. Any of the Companion files all are greyed out and will give you and error and you won't be able to modify or save them, but you can see everything that's in those entries and you can still copy and paste whatever you might want to play with into some other entry you create.

salcor May 31st, 2016 06:36 PM


Thanks for the suggestion. It helped a ton.


jbearwillis May 31st, 2016 07:06 PM

zarlor, an easier way is to open 2 hero labs and copy and past one to the other. I do it all the time.

salcor May 31st, 2016 08:45 PM

Thanks for that as well. I was wondering how would I include cyberware grades in the setting files?


Paragon June 2nd, 2016 06:29 PM

Look at what CC says above; you do a setting (.user) file, do multiple copies of each piece of cyberware set by grade, then preclude the old, non-graded cyberware. Its going to be a little labor intensive, but there's no obvious way around that.

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