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Absintheminded78 February 8th, 2016 09:36 PM

Content Market initial content

Was just curious if there is a list anywhere detailing what content will be included in the initial release of the Content Market?

I've gathered from watching the spotlight series that it will most likely include Masks - 1000 NPC's, Rise of the Runelords and perhaps Freeport but just wanted an idea of what else will come out in the first run.


Parody February 8th, 2016 10:33 PM

Not as far as I know, but you can see some of what will (likely) be available by looking at the Kickstarter Rewards.

joepacelli February 9th, 2016 07:43 AM

Not just a list, but how about any pricing on the content?
And knowing you have the Paizo license now I assume Rise of the Runelords is the first item for the content Market.
Is there any future list as to what we can expect next in regards to Paizo content?

I'm getting close to wrapping up the Rise of the Runelords and it would be nice to see the future list, it might help decide what module's we run as a group.

Silveras February 9th, 2016 08:56 AM

There is a list on the RealmWorks web site page under "Features", HERE

Parody February 9th, 2016 10:11 AM

Cool, my apologies. :(

Absintheminded78 February 9th, 2016 12:11 PM

Excellent! Thanks very much Silveras and Parody.

joepacelli February 11th, 2016 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Silveras (Post 223753)
There is a list on the RealmWorks web site page under "Features", HERE

Yeah, I've seen this list.
I'm asking what's in the pipeline.
Can they hint as to what they are working on next as far as content is concerned.

Also, if they can go over the pricing of the content.
For example, let's take Rise of the Runelords
It's content is released and goes for 19.95
After 2 months there are bugs, errors , or spelling mistakes found.

They fix these and now RotRL is ver 1.1
Do current users have ability to get these fixes?
How will this work?

MNBlockHead February 11th, 2016 05:52 AM

Given what a minefield is has been for LWD to discuss their software development pipeline, I can understand if they are being tight-lipped about content development, especially since the content work will be dependent on third-parties. I can also see that third-parities will be hesitant to make any statements about putting their content into the CM until it has gone live.

Silveras February 11th, 2016 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by joepacelli (Post 223918)
Yeah, I've seen this list.
I'm asking what's in the pipeline.
Can they hint as to what they are working on next as far as content is concerned.

As MNBlockhead said, I doubt we will see this. Anything that is settled enogh for LoneWolf and/or the publisher to feel confident of talking about, they would announce to build buzz.

Until the Content Market actually launches, and the initial content is delivered (some of which has been waiting for 2 years since the Kickstarter), talking about additional content is probably premature.


Originally Posted by joepacelli (Post 223918)
Also, if they can go over the pricing of the content.
For example, let's take Rise of the Runelords
It's content is released and goes for 19.95
After 2 months there are bugs, errors , or spelling mistakes found.

They fix these and now RotRL is ver 1.1
Do current users have ability to get these fixes?
How will this work?

That's a good question to suggest for the Spotlight Series to explain.
I would expect that the answer is "fixes are available automatically".. but the details of how they are available and how it might be different in cases of 1) using the purchased content in a new Realm after the update and 2) how or if the updated version gets propagated to a copy in a Realm in-use would be good to have.

rob February 11th, 2016 12:19 PM

Just saw this discussion. Also saw that you posted these questions in the Spotlight Series thread. Perfect!

A couple of these were already planned to be talked about in the Spotlight Series, but not all of them. So I'm glad you posted these questions over there. We'll make sure to talk about them in an upcoming episode.

And yes, we have definitely thought through these questions. There are some complicated problems involved in solving some of them, which all need to be fully verified and tested before we can release anything. :)

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