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-   -   Realmworks on two screens. Player Mode on one and DM mode on the other. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=53433)

Nikmal July 18th, 2015 11:08 AM

Realmworks on two screens. Player Mode on one and DM mode on the other.
Is it possible? I am trying to set up a projector table and I want to be able to use Realmworks on two different screens. One that my players see (The projector screen) and one on my laptop in DM mode. So then I can use Fog of War.

Or does anyone have a better solution?

Parody July 18th, 2015 11:24 AM

I'm not sure what you're asking for here:

If you want one computer to show player stuff on one monitor (the projector) and GM stuff on another, that's Player View in a nutshell.

If you want better map handling than what's in Realm Works, then you want to use a virtual tabletop application for the projector instead of or in addition to Player View.

If you want your players to be able to control the projector screen, then hook a second computer to the projector, put Realm Works on it, and let one of your players log into it.

If none of those sound right, could you give us more info on what you're trying to do?

Nikmal July 18th, 2015 11:44 AM

Ok, what I am trying to do is to bring a projector to a game table with my laptop. What this would entail is to project the map on to the table using the projector as a second screen for my laptop. (not two different computers).

So I would have my laptop screen as my DM screen so to speak, and then the image that the projector is using to show the players the map would be the second screen

The map that the projector is showing would be the ones that the players place their figures on. So no map software... just the smart image (fog of war in player mode) in DM mode using the reveal brush to show the players what they see without them seeing my screen.

Lexin July 18th, 2015 12:08 PM

Have you seen the 'additional monitor' thread elsewhere? Is that what you're asking for?

I'm not sure how you'd do it with a projector - do you mean one of those projectors you see in work situations where someone is doing a talk and using PowerPoint or the like?

If you do, that should be more than possible. You might have to do a bit of playing with the settings to make the projector an 'extension' of the laptop, not a clone. You don't say what flavour of Windows you're using and it would be helpful to know that before giving advice on setup, but I can't see why it wouldn't be possible.

I ran my first session using RW a few days ago, and used my Smart TV - I can't see that using a projector would be very much different.

Lexin July 18th, 2015 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nikmal (Post 212814)
What this would entail is to project the map on to the table using the projector as a second screen for my laptop.

You mean projecting downwards onto a table?

I would never have thought of that, but I think I can see what you are getting at. It sounds like a cool idea.

Parody July 18th, 2015 12:23 PM

A projector is just a second monitor. You set it up as such (extending the desktop, as Lexin mentioned) and show the map in Player View.

Others have mentioned that VTT software is nicer, but I don't use Player View or VTT applications so you'll have to poke around for threads on the topic or try for yourself and see.


Originally Posted by Lexin (Post 212817)
You mean projecting downwards onto a table? ... I would never have thought of that, but I think I can see what you are getting at. It sounds like a cool idea.

Projecting above or below the table was a big thing before flat panels became an affordable product. (Not just in tabletop gaming, of course.)

AEIOU July 18th, 2015 12:33 PM

RealmWorks has to pick a direction for development in order to truly be ready for the table. It's a great reference and world building tool for me. It helps me organize my thoughts and adventures. It does a great job of providing players with history and backstory. But to be quite frank, in my opinion it is next to useless at the table for players for actual gameplay.

1) RW is not intended to be a virtual table top. So we either kludge something together with player view or we also run a real VTT.
2) RW has no export functionality so to use a real VTT, we must maintain copies of all materials players may see separate from RW.
3) RW does not integrate with any of the standard VTTs on the market. If it could do so in a similar manner to HeroLab's integration, they would eliminate the need to export or save copies of materials.
4) Relying on the player client is not viable for maps or handouts due to the current synching implementation.

At least one of those has to become a priority for RW to truly be useful at the table for the players. Maybe the web view will help?

My setup is RW and d20pro with GM view on my screen and sometimes HeroLab. I run a second d20pro client on my computer with player view presented on a second screen. And I have directories for all the maps and player handouts for use in the game. It's redundant, wastes space, requires version control, requires extra work after the game and it annoys the bejesus out of me. But it works.

JustinThomason July 18th, 2015 02:30 PM

Like AEIOU I've found the player view to be a bit frustrating from time to time. I'm running a wilderness adventure with a strong hexcrawl/exploration feel (Paizo's Kingmaker to be exact). I've been using the player view to reveal the overland map as the players have explored the wilderness, but I have to rely on a VTT for actual combat.

We've made it work so far; the big display shows the overland map and any other portrait "handouts" while several players log into the VTT on laptops through the LAN to manage combat.

I would like more integration, and either a VTT module for RW, or a partnership to integrate with an existing VTT through an API would be most welcome. However, I've pretty much accepted the fact that RW is really a replacement for my GM binder more than a replacement for my battlemat, and I'd rather Lone Wolf focus on making RW the best campaign management tool it can be rather than trying to tack on a VTT. The system I've set up works fine, even if it can be a little clunky. In a pinch, if I only had my computer at the table, I could always start a second instance of my VTT program and have it log in to the server as a Player and have that showing on the big screen with the GM view showing on the main screen.

The version control and such that AEIOU mentioned can get a little frustrating, but I basically treat my VTT as a fancy set of minis that allow for line of sight and lighting, with a very simple HP tracker and Initiative module - I rely on HL for current statuses and applying bonuses and the like.

As with most things, the trick seems to be playing to RW's strengths, and using other programs to fill the gaps (like using HL for character management).

AEIOU July 18th, 2015 05:00 PM

@JustinThomason: Your comment that RW is essentially your GM binder and not your battlemat is probably the best analogy I've seen to date. You keep the maps and handouts in your binder for reference but you still need to recreate the map for the minis at the table on gameday.

Liz should borrow that analogy for the product description as it would really help a lot of people understand what type of tool RW really is -- a tool for campaign management. An API so others can extend it is really the ideal rather than LWD trying to tackle everything.

I banish you to heck for ruining a perfectly good tirade with your sensibility. :)

Farling July 18th, 2015 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nikmal (Post 212811)
Is it possible? I am trying to set up a projector table and I want to be able to use Realmworks on two different screens. One that my players see (The projector screen) and one on my laptop in DM mode. So then I can use Fog of War.

Yes you can do this using Player view of the GM window.

The players will see only the information that you choose to show them on the player view's monitor. You can show the currently revealed parts of the map on the player view - that is how I am using player view for my campaign.

If you want to project the map onto a table top, then you will have to manually adjust the visible part of the map to get the correct "1 square per inch" distance on the table.

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