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nyarlathottep March 24th, 2015 11:52 AM

Stone and a Hard Place
Soooooooo, just curious if anyone is working on an update for the Deadlands Reloaded package that incorporates the new stuff from Stone and a Hard Place. Especially Hexslingers.

zarlor March 24th, 2015 01:02 PM

Didn't even realize there was new stuff in it... which I suppose is what I get for not downloading my copy yet. I've sent an updated version with lots of other things in it, including Last Sons and such, to Caped Crusader who maintains the DLR file, so I'll look at adding in this as well so he'll have more to work from when he can finally get some time to update the official file. (I'll post here that I have the unofficial version updated, too, for those who don't mind getting a version that might not be compatible, and probably not quite as complete or less buggy either, as the official version when it does release.)

It's a crazy busy next couple of weeks for me so it will probably take me a bit longer than usual, I'm sorry to say. Give me 3 or 4 weeks, but if I get lucky on time I might have something sooner.

nyarlathottep March 24th, 2015 05:39 PM

You the man. Thanks

zarlor April 30th, 2015 01:02 PM

Quick update, this is taking longer than I had hoped. They're making changes to some of the base stuff, in this case mainly Harrowed, and I have to extricate a bit of how I was doing them before and how they want me to do them now and figure out what all of the differences are and what I will need to code in to handle that. At the very least it looks like I'll need to only one Harrowed Edge (since it wasn't available as an Edge before anyway) and I'll have to set up 2 Harrowed Hindrances, one for the old way if you got turned Harrowed after character creation, and one for the new version.

At any rate the tedium of working out the differences kind of has me procrastinating on this right now and I have some friends coming to town in a couple of weeks and... well, you get the idea. Suffice to say it's taking a lot longer than I expected so I may need several more weeks for this.

zarlor May 5th, 2015 08:03 AM

Ok, I THINK I've got everything updated here to add Stone and a Hard Place in with the rest of the updates I've got in my personal DLR updated file. This is strictly unofficial and there are no guarantees that when the official DLR update does come out that any characters made with this file will work with the official release in any way shape or form. In other words, use this one at your own risk, but do please feel free to let me know of any errors you find in it or something you think might need updating and I'll try to get them in there as soon as I can.

This will organize Deadlands: Reloaded to show up as a group of content (Under Deadlands: Reloaded Campaign Setting) and includes the original, but updated and with some fixes, DLR along with the settings for Last Sons, The Flood, and Stone and a Hard Place. Again, all completely unofficial and completely unsupported by Lone Wolf as this is entirely an unofficial data file.


EDIT: Sorry folks, but somewhere along the way I apparently corrupted my data file by overwriting it with an older version that didn't have this Stone information in it. :( The above link works for the other settings in DLR, though, but you may be better off checking with dartnet as I believe he has a complete file with this in it.

nyarlathottep May 9th, 2015 08:48 AM

As I said before, you're the man. Thanks.

sarcen May 26th, 2015 06:54 AM

Found error (I think)
Hi, thanks for creating this file!

I found an issue where having Knowledge (Battle) d6 doesn't satisfy the pre-req for Soldier (Officer).

Just thought I'd point it out.

gerykhan June 3rd, 2015 07:55 AM

Blessed and voodoist are also revised ( power point systems and separate skill)
by the official errata.

dartnet June 14th, 2015 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by gerykhan (Post 210149)
Blessed and voodoist are also revised ( power point systems and separate skill)
by the official errata.

I updated my home files with the errata.

zarlor June 15th, 2015 03:46 AM

Yeah, I need to get into the errata still. Dartnet, did you just keep using that as a separate source for folks who might not have or want to use the new errata rules? Or, come to that, do you know the differences between our two files? We could always consolidate them and make sure CC has the latest one for when he can get to doing his updates.

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