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Globetrotter January 16th, 2015 12:36 PM

Are there any plans to implement a different way to adjust money?

The journal is clunky.

Does anyone even use the journal?

ShadowChemosh January 16th, 2015 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Globetrotter (Post 201703)
Does anyone even use the journal?

All the time. Or I should say every two weeks when I get to be a player in WotR. I use it add and subtract money all the time. The only thing I have found to make life easier is to do everything in gp. Don't add or subtract CP, SP or even PP. Convert all wealth to gp and it works fine. :D

Aaron January 16th, 2015 01:25 PM

I use the journal almost exclusively as a money and XP adder. Yes, we have plans to do some stuff with money (I've been working on an overhaul of purchase mechanics for the last couple weeks which might benefit that in the long run as well). If you had your druthers, what would you like to see? No promises, of course, but I like to hear suggestions.

Kaleb January 16th, 2015 02:21 PM

Asron, what I find really clunky in reguards to money is upgrading weapons and armor.
Would it be possible for the program to compare the price of the current item to the the price of the upgraded item and subtract the difference from the characters total wealth?

Aaron January 16th, 2015 02:26 PM

Yeah, that's possible and something we'd like to do eventually, but it isn't part of what I am currently reworking.

ShadowChemosh January 16th, 2015 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 201707)
I use the journal almost exclusively as a money and XP adder. Yes, we have plans to do some stuff with money (I've been working on an overhaul of purchase mechanics for the last couple weeks which might benefit that in the long run as well). If you had your druthers, what would you like to see? No promises, of course, but I like to hear suggestions.

Could it deal with costs other than gp better? If I have 100gp 9sp and try and purchase something for 10sp HL says NO you don't have enough money. Similar if you buy something in gp and only have your money in pp it will say not enough.

Just something I know my players have complained about. I had them switch to storing all amounts in gp and issue pretty much goes away. Still would be nice to those "new" to HL.

Aaron January 16th, 2015 02:32 PM

That actually is something I fixed in these changes.

Fuzzy January 16th, 2015 03:22 PM

The ability to split up wealth would be nice (for emcombrance reasons). I ended up creating a 'Gold Horde' valuable item that is worth and weighs the same as 100gp. This way I can create a custom location (for my house/keep, for instance), and can purchase 100gp 'hordes' and store them at my custom location, so not all my wealth has to be on my person. And yes, this will get much easier to manage if you have fixed the coin conversion issue.

Aaron January 16th, 2015 03:30 PM

Yep, also on the to-do list.

Globetrotter January 19th, 2015 09:01 PM

This is kind of what I thought, most people use the journal tab just for money and exp changes.

I tried to use the journal to write campaign notes, but it was too clunky. If we are using the journal for mostly xp and gp, then should we just redesign it to do a more focused job?

Shadow is also correct about the sp and cp issues.. that was a pain and I had to do mental gymnastics to remove gold here, add silver there... I have to do that a lot when I give bribes to npcs or pay for things like tolls, food, rooms, etc.

I am thinking about the ipad, but having simple scroll wheels is pretty easy.

I will try to think of something more useful, knowing it may or may not ever happen.

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