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Tekwych December 19th, 2014 04:58 PM

Run Faster is Live!
Run Faster digital edition has posted at Drive Through Stuff with 250+ pages of new rules and 16 new metatypes. New Character creation rules, qualities, Lifestyles, and all new Gear listings make this a huge update.

Mathias is gonna be a very busy boy.:D

Mathizsias December 22nd, 2014 09:23 AM

Wish Lone Wolf had some kind of roadmap for their products. :)

Mathias December 22nd, 2014 09:38 AM

I'm afraid that in the past, we've done a bad job of estimating the completion times for books, so I'll just say that we're working as fast as we can to get Shadowrun caught up, so that we have Hero Lab options for all the 5th edition books that Catalyst has published.

Tekwych December 22nd, 2014 09:58 AM

Mathias you are always on top of things and LWD (almost) never disappoints with what we finally get.

Thank You in advance for all the hard work you, and the rest of the staff, do for us.

Mathizsias December 22nd, 2014 11:10 AM

The hard work is much appreciated, when it comes to Pathfinder for example they're quite on the ball! Lone Wolf has a bigger catalog to deal with and I understand that. Shadowrun might not be the biggest franchise in their catalog either and there's word on the street about supporting DND 5e in the future. :)

But some transparency goes a long way, even if inaccurate (even that can be managed), to help people plan in-game, but perhaps also financially.

I limit my players to exclusively use Hero Lab with Shadowrun because it's so crunchy sometimes, but they've been inquiring about Street Grimoire and some of the other supplemental books much like the Adventure Paths for Pathfinder.

No detriment to the effort by Mathias or Lone Wolf, just an fan of the Hero Lab product eager for more!

Tekwych December 22nd, 2014 08:21 PM

CGL often load 1.1 errata version of the digital files a month or so after the original release. It would make sense that LWD hold off and use the fixed files rather than do so much work and then add the bug fixes. Just wait and do the work once.

Alistair December 23rd, 2014 02:42 PM

I just want to say, Catalyst went above and beyond expectations on Run Faster in terms of editing and it being a more polished product. Some of their Shadowrun 5 stuff has been horrendous.

It's almost worth getting for the extended Slamm-O!/Netcat fiction alone while it's half price!

Senko February 8th, 2015 05:42 PM

I am waiting with my money for herolab to get caught up with run faster.

Racoon February 14th, 2015 11:05 PM

Is there a - rough - estimate for the release of Run Faster?

I am creating a campaign that is heavily involving the Infected.
Since I use Hero Hero Lab for character creation as well as encounters I am waiting for the release to go on with my campaign.

I certainly don't want to complain or produce any pressure and I know you are working as fast as you can and Run Faster is a lot of new content.
I am asking solely to be able to plan my future game sessions, e.g. if and how many other adventures I will need before coninuing with my aforementioned campaign.

Eneroth February 18th, 2015 11:50 AM

I was wondering if there was any other information about when this is coming out. One of my players is using some of the qualities from Run Faster, so having to set them as Custom.. so hopefully we will get something soon.

PS: Hero Lab makes character creation almost easy in Shadowrun which is amazing!

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