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woobyluv October 3rd, 2014 05:15 PM

Timeline for system developer content for purchase?
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I would like to know, in as accurate a timeline as possible, when we can expect to be able to make content purchases for various game systems. Personally, I'm interested in Pathfinder, Battletech, and Star Wars (various incarnations). I simply don't have the time at the moment for all the data entry and would love to have the grunt work of it done for me, so that I can make the tweaks that suit my campaigns best.

Parody October 3rd, 2014 07:51 PM

Late Q1 2015 is the current (hopeful) estimate for having any sort of Content Market.

Pathfinder seems likely to have stuff available whenever the market is available, if by stuff you mean Rise of the Runelords or any of the items mentioned in the Kickstarter.

Battletech seems less likely, as it hasn't been mentioned as far as I know.

Star Wars pre-FFG is not likely to be licensable at all. FFG SW would probably have to be renegotiated with Disney. Might as well start entering it yourself.

rob October 3rd, 2014 07:58 PM

@Parody pretty much nailed it. We'll have a chunk of Pathfinder material at launch (too soon to say exactly what). Battletech is not currently slated, so it definitely won't be available at launch. Anything Star Wars will require a license that requires Disney involvement, so that's not something we're even pursuing at the present time.

If you look at the material we're developing in conjunction with the Kickstarter and the licenses we currently have in place for Hero Lab, that will give you a good sense of what games to look for (from us, at least) in the early months of the Content Market. Our games will be added to the list, but they won't be part of the initial launch.

Edit: That should be "OTHER games will be added to the list". Oops.

woobyluv October 4th, 2014 08:22 AM

Thanks guys, you answered my question better than expected. :)

Pollution October 5th, 2014 11:21 AM

If you create content and put it on the marketplace for free, could you use copyrite material? Or would that be bad. I would imagine no go at first thought. Too much IP/piracy concerns.

Personally, I'm doing white wolf SAS stuff for my games, and would love to share with the community. But I have a feeling that it would open issues with copyright issues.

Viking2054 October 5th, 2014 12:36 PM

I'm betting mass distribution through the marketplace will be a no, unless it has some kind of O.G.L. (open gaming license) and then only what's included in the O.G.L. would be able to be put up.

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