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-   -   Snippets in Category template creation (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=50146)

devincor July 28th, 2014 11:46 AM

Snippets in Category template creation
First, I want to say thank you for LWD for creating this program. I love it! I have been waiting since 1997 to organize my world into one location (instead of scattered through 5 large binders, 4 loose leaf notebooks, and random scraps of paper scattered in 30 or so game guides) and I feel this program is what i have been waiting for.

I have had Realm Works since beginning of April, tinkering with it, watching the videos, reading tips and tricks, and trying to keep up on forums. I think i have found the best ways for me to organize stuff but I have some questions:

1) i made copies of some topic categories and currently modifying them to my needs. When you create a snippet under a section category and title it, it will appear in the type-in text box and be replaced when creating the entry. Is there a way to make a title appear in front of a type-in text box to keep from losing the title? Like how snippets with tags look? (IE. I have a Ruler title and text box. Upon filling out the template, I would like to see Ruler: King Soandso.)

2) Is there a way to create a GM Text snippet in the section categories? Rather than me creating one for each entry I would really like to create them for the category template.

I apologize if these were addressed elsewhere, I might of overlooked them.

Thank you for your time.

rob October 4th, 2014 05:02 AM

This thread was posted in the final crunch prior to GenCon, so apparently I completely missed it. Sorry about that. :(

There is a Feature Request thread and discussion for the first item above. You'll find it here: forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=48846

There is currently no way to define GM Direction snippets within sections. At present, you're best off just defining the snippet normally within the section and using <ctrl+G> to change its nature when entering the text. I'll add this to the todo list. You may also want to start a thread about this in the Feature Requests forum to solicit support from others for this capability.

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