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Guiche007 May 16th, 2014 05:49 AM

Psychic Rogue - Sneak attack ability
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create the Psychic Rogue class with the editor but i have two problems.

The first one is the sneak attack ability. I clone it from the rogue ability and made some change but it don't work because it continue to work like the rogue classe. The incrementation is not working. How can i solve the problem?

The second one is the Danger sense Psionic ability. I don't know how to create this ability.


Sendric May 16th, 2014 10:31 AM

What does the Danger Sense Psionic Ability do?

Guiche007 May 17th, 2014 05:10 AM

Hi Sendric,

Here's the link for the Psychic Rogue class and it danger sense ability.



Sendric May 17th, 2014 07:24 AM

Ok. So its basically Uncanny Dodge. Do you have the community set? If so, can you think of any classes found there that might have Uncanny Dodge or Sneak Attack? If you can find another class that uses these, then you can look at the files and see how they were implemented. I'm not in front of HL at the moment, but the next time I am, I can look through the set and see if I can find a good example for you to use.

Guiche007 May 17th, 2014 08:20 AM

Hi Sendric,

I would like it if you can but danger sense is linked with the psionic focus ability. If psionic focus is expended it loss all the benefit. I have no idea how to do it.

Sendric May 17th, 2014 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Guiche007 (Post 183416)
Hi Sendric,

I would like it if you can but danger sense is linked with the psionic focus ability. If psionic focus is expended it loss all the benefit. I have no idea how to do it.

In the community set, I added a condition for psionic focus. You can use a script to determine whether or not its checked before applying the effects of the ability. It's probably sourced to d20 psionics support. Since Uncanny Dodge doesn't really change any settings, what you can do is look for whether psionic focus is off, and if so, delete the tag [Helper.ShowSpec]. If you need help with the specific code, I'll take a look later when I am in front of HL.

PS Come to think of it, I believe there may be some feats in the 3.5 - Complete Psionics.user file that do exactly this. You might want to take a look through them.

Guiche007 June 24th, 2014 06:45 PM

HI Everyone,

I need some help. Like i said i'm a newby and i'm trying hard to understand how Hero Labs works. Presently the problem that i have is with the sneak attack total level. My eval script is working well but it count all the class level my PC have, like 2lvl in swordsage and 6lvl in Psychic rogue. How can i solve the problem?


Sendric June 25th, 2014 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Guiche007 (Post 186207)
HI Everyone,

I need some help. Like i said i'm a newby and i'm trying hard to understand how Hero Labs works. Presently the problem that i have is with the sneak attack total level. My eval script is working well but it count all the class level my PC have, like 2lvl in swordsage and 6lvl in Psychic rogue. How can i solve the problem?


Please post the script that you are using, and describe exactly what you want it to do.

Guiche007 June 25th, 2014 07:05 PM

Here's the script:


~ If we're not shown, just get out now
doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

var sneak as number
if (field[xTotalLev].value < 4) then
sneak = 1
elseif (field[xTotalLev].value < 7) then
sneak = 2
elseif (field[xTotalLev].value < 10) then
sneak = 3
elseif (field[xTotalLev].value < 13) then
sneak = 4
elseif (field[xTotalLev].value < 16) then
sneak = 5
elseif (field[xTotalLev].value < 19) then
sneak = 6
sneak = 7

hero.child[xSneakAtt].field[Value].value = hero.child[xSneakAtt].field[Value].value + sneak

field[livename].text = "Sneak Attack +" & sneak & "d6"
field[CustDesc].text = "+" & sneak & "d6 to your Sneak Attack damage."
The problem that i have is that it's not only calculating the lvl of the Psychic Rogue classe but all of them. My caractere is lvl 8 (2 swordsage and 6 Psychic Rogue) normally it should count only the 6 lvl in psychic rogue for the sneak ability but it count the swordsage too.

Thanks in advance

Sendric June 26th, 2014 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Guiche007 (Post 186288)
Here's the script:

The problem that i have is that it's not only calculating the lvl of the Psychic Rogue classe but all of them. My caractere is lvl 8 (2 swordsage and 6 Psychic Rogue) normally it should count only the 6 lvl in psychic rogue for the sneak ability but it count the swordsage too.

Thanks in advance

Ok, where is this script? I assume this is being run on a class special for the Psychic Rogue? If that's the case, then your script should make the variable sneak equal to 2. To verify that you can add to the bottom of your script the following:


debug sneak
Recompile. Then in the portfolio go to Develop -> Floating Info Windows -> Show Debug Output.

If the debug window shows 2 then xTotalLev is correct, and something else is increasing your Sneak Attack damage. If it shows 3 then we need to figure out why xTotalLev is 2 higher than it should be. Unfortunately, I would need to see more either way. Perhaps you could post your .user file (or send it to me at my google mail account - sendric) and portfolio.

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