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Tengu1958 November 21st, 2013 02:11 PM

4 by 5 grid table
Would it be possible to make four row by five column table in HL?

Tengu1958 November 21st, 2013 02:30 PM

I mean five row and four columns. Doh!

Mathias November 21st, 2013 02:36 PM

Purpose? Is this information you want to display to the user? Are they purchasing the items that fill in the grid? Or is this a fixed grid of pre-selected items, where the user can make modifications to the individual items (like if you had 20 attributes that are grouped into 4 groups of 5 things each)?

Are there always going to be exactly 20 items in this category? What if a new supplement comes out that adds more - do you mind if the table gets taller?

Tengu1958 November 21st, 2013 07:37 PM

The grid system would be used for purchasing attributes. And it would look similar to tree grids that are used in the rule book.

Mathias November 22nd, 2013 07:20 AM

You'll need to give me more explanation of what "tree grids" means, how they look, and how they work. I don't even know what game system you're working on, so I can't open to the same page of the rulebook that you're looking at.

Tengu1958 November 22nd, 2013 08:13 AM

I am trying to create the matrix for Fantasy Flight's Star Wars RPG. They have the trees for the Career Specializations and Force Sensitive Exile talent selections.

Mathias November 22nd, 2013 08:16 AM

I've never played that game and don't own any of the books. You'll need to give me more description of what these things look like and how they work.

Tengu1958 November 22nd, 2013 08:29 AM

Every character has a career. With the career comes a free choice of three career related specializations. Characters may spend xp to purchase another specialization, which may be career related, non-career related, or general (the force sensitive exile). The total of specializations in game is 19 at the moment.

Each specialization promotes 4 skills to career skills and provides a talent tree of four columns by five rows for 20 talents in each specialization. The player spends experience points to buy talents from the tree. The first purchase must come from the first row for five experience. After that second purchases can come from one of front row talents not previously purchased, or it that first purchase has a branch you can purchase the talent the branch connects to.

I hope this provides a better idea of what I am attempting to achieve. It would be a lot of tables, but I plan on hiding tables for specializations that are not picked. Right now I have a Career table that is used for picking the character's career and then under that they choose Specializations.

Thanks for your interest in what I am trying to do, despite my early vagueness.

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