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-   -   Bug with Imperial Guard Enginseer unit + Forgeworld (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=44746)

Jrandom June 27th, 2013 12:07 AM

Bug with Imperial Guard + Forgeworld (Trojan Support Vehicle)
With Forgeworld as allowed in the list, the player is unable to select the "Trojan Support Vehicle" as a dedicated transport for the Enginseer HQ choice.

Imperial Armor Volume 1, 2nd Edition (2012), page 232, gives the Trojan as being able to be purchased as a dedicated transport for the Enginseer.

Additional info: When a selecting the "Trojan Support Vehicle" as a unit upgrade for "Heavy Artillery Carriage Battery" or "Field Artillery Battery" (which are both chosen from Heavy Support), the list composition shows that a unit has been added to the Troops selection. Adding models to a Heavy Support selection should not count as a Troop selection for Roster Validation.

Imperial Armor Volume 1, 2nd Edition (2012), page 188 for the "Heavy Artillery Carriage Battery" and page 198 for the "Field Artillery Battery".

Jrandom August 5th, 2013 03:22 PM

This bug persists:

Imperial Armor Volume 1, 2nd Edition (2012), page 232, gives the Trojan as being able to be purchased as a dedicated transport for the Enginseer. AB File doesn't allow for the Enginseer to make this upgrade.

Spack August 6th, 2013 01:19 AM

As stated in the sticky posts at the topic of this forum, members of the AB40k team only check in occasionally and all bugs should be reported on the AB40k.org site tracker system. This bug was posted 2 days ago on the tracker here: http://www.ab40k.org/tracker.php?p=27&t=2971 , and it will be fixed in the next release.

Imperial Armour updates will be done as when time is available, as the focus is on getting codex releases and fixes out. If you find any other bugs please post them at http://www.ab40k.org/tracker.php

Spack August 7th, 2013 06:23 AM

File version 1.26 was released yesterday with this bug fixed.

Jrandom August 7th, 2013 07:17 PM

Thank you for releasing the latest file. I am happy to tell you that the Trojan no longer appears as a troop selection. But it saddens me to tell you that the following bug still exists:

Imperial Armor Volume 1, 2nd Edition (2012), page 232, gives the Trojan as being able to be purchased as a dedicated transport for the Enginseer. AB File doesn't allow for the Enginseer to make this upgrade.

Spack August 8th, 2013 05:06 AM

I've added a reply to the tracker on the AB40k.org site at the URL above. However, for any future bugs or updates could you please post on the AB40k.org site, as I mentioned before this forum is rarely checked and I only did so today because I happened to be looking for something else. The maintainers who create and update the files use the bug tracker to figure out what needs fixing, so if it's not posted there it likely won't get fixed.

Jrandom August 8th, 2013 01:13 PM

You got it. Thanks again.

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