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leokhorn March 10th, 2013 09:07 AM

Premade powers
I see premade powers from the book (the ones in green boxes such as Dazzle) are done as separate powers which integrate the cost of all the modifiers and just mention them in text.

The ones a bit more complex such as Alternate Form or Super-speed (combinations of powers) are done as Multiple Effect bases but it seems there's no way to preset each sub-effect's rank for example.

So... is this the extent of what Hero Lab can do?
Is there no way to build a power normally and "save it" somehow, or at least build a new Power in a similar way?
Is there really no way to preset values and modifiers on a given power created as a Multiple Effects?

I'd love to be able to input all the new power examples from the Power Profiles, for example, so I have them all in one place (Hero Lab) rather than spread across many PDFs. I suppose I could make a character into a power library, but since we can't copy/paste powers, it's a bit annoying :/

jbearwillis March 10th, 2013 10:09 AM

The easiest way to copy and paste a power is to open the herolab and editor twice from there "copy and paste" from one to the other. That's how I do it.

leokhorn March 10th, 2013 10:31 AM

I'm not sure I understand. I've never found any "copy/paste" function for powers added to a character. Are we talking about the same thing? If so, could you give a slightly more precise step-by-step? I'm really interested if there's a practical way, even if it requires opening the program twice!

jbearwillis March 10th, 2013 11:02 AM

The only way to make and save new powers is to use the editor and if the power in the editor is not able to be copied is to open the program twice and then you can copy and paste that way, It's not easy but once you get the hang of the editor it becomes a lot easier to make new powers to use. I'm not the best at explaining things, I just jumped in and started to play with the editor and help from other people on the forum was able to figure out things. I'm thinking of trying to start to input the things your talking about but I think it will take me sometime to get them in, mainly because of real life issues. I don't think there is a way to do what you want to do with out going into the editor except how you said you might do it by making a bunch of character templates and saving them which in my book is a pain. The editor is the way to go. It looks worst then it is. You can look at other powers to see how they work to maybe get what you are trying to do and learn that way that's what I did in the editor. Sorry I can't be much more help.

leokhorn March 11th, 2013 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by jbearwillis (Post 147191)
The only way to make and save new powers is to use the editor

It's what I thought, sadly.


I just jumped in and started to play with the editor and help from other people on the forum was able to figure out things.
Same here, really. Using existing stuff as an example of what can be done and how. I guess there's no other solution since there's not much detailed documentation on how things really work.


I don't think there is a way to do what you want to do with out going into the editor except how you said you might do it by making a bunch of character templates and saving them which in my book is a pain.
I've gone with that solution for now. I've made a new portfolio and created a character per Power Profile (the ones I have at least). Each character is only a repository of the powers I find interesting and not *too* straightforward. I won't input "yet another Blast", but more complex stuff, for reference.

Still means I will have to recreate the power on a new character, but at least I have a reference of how to build it in Hero Lab.

And if I do realize I'm using a power quite a lot, I might take the time to "officially" add it through the editor for quick reuse.


Sorry I can't be much more help.
Confirming things, even if they're not what I hoped for, is still helpful, thanks! :)

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