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gg at decisionsoft.com September 5th, 2002 01:32 AM

Invalid id's
Hi, I'm trying to create a data file for the wizards Star Wars TCG.

I've written a program that downloads card content from the star wars
website and converts then into a card vault data file.
Unfortunately I keep getting "invalid unique id" message for the card id.
What makes a valid id?

one of the auto generated id's:

Geoff Gibbs, Software Engineer
DecisionSoft Ltd. http://www.decisionsoft.com

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rob September 5th, 2002 02:57 AM

Invalid id's
Hi Geoff,

First of all, I believe that data files are already available for Star Wars
from WotC. You might consider checking on that before invested major effort
in this project. Or are you just working on an additional file to add to
the current material?

Valid ids must subscribe to the following rules:
1. Must be 10 characters or less.
2. May only contain the character A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the underscore ('_').

Complete documentation on how to create data files for Card Vault will be
released shortly. We have a few high priority things that must be finished
first, but I hope to release full docs in the very near future. I recommend
waiting just a little longer, since just about all your questions will
likely be answered by the docs and it will save you a great deal of

Thanks, Rob

At 10:32 AM 9/5/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi, I'm trying to create a data file for the wizards Star Wars TCG.
>I've written a program that downloads card content from the star wars
>website and converts then into a card vault data file.
>Unfortunately I keep getting "invalid unique id" message for the card id.
>What makes a valid id?
>one of the auto generated id's:

Rob Bowes (rob@wolflair.com) (559) 658-6995
Lone Wolf Development www.wolflair.com

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gg at decisionsoft.com September 5th, 2002 03:05 AM

Invalid id's
Rob Bowes wrote:
> Hi Geoff,
> First of all, I believe that data files are already available for Star Wars
> from WotC. You might consider checking on that before invested major effort
> in this project. Or are you just working on an additional file to add to
> the current material?

I'm using that as a basis for what I'm doing.
I was going to add the Sith Rising expansion, an realized it would be
easier to automate the process.

> Valid ids must subscribe to the following rules:
> 1. Must be 10 characters or less.
> 2. May only contain the character A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the underscore ('_').


> Complete documentation on how to create data files for Card Vault will be
> released shortly. We have a few high priority things that must be finished
> first, but I hope to release full docs in the very near future. I recommend
> waiting just a little longer, since just about all your questions will
> likely be answered by the docs and it will save you a great deal of
> frustration.


Thanks for the help.

Geoff Gibbs, Software Engineer
DecisionSoft Ltd. http://www.decisionsoft.com

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