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Movian June 25th, 2012 12:20 PM

Suggestion: Portfolio Cloud
I was just thinking, I use my main PC to create my characters but then I use my tablet or laptop to utilized my character during games. I thought it would be a nice idea (and a potential additional service that you could charge for) to have a cloud portfolio option. So when i make changes to a character sheet on my tablet i don't have to transfer the file over myself or re enter the info. And likewise if i generate a character on my main machine i would not have to remember to transfer the character to the tablet it would just be there when im at the gaming session (i almost always have internet access).

I know there are complications and that is possible with other free software, just thought it would be a nice extra feature.

bodrin June 25th, 2012 12:35 PM

I already do this via Dropbox. All I do is save my portfolios back to the Dropbox folder that contains the .por files. It auto updates to every machine that is linked to the dropbox account.

I have certain folders for certain games too. Currently D20 custom, Pathfinder "Vanilla" and Pathfinder Custom " Carrion Crown" campaign.

During the session I just save the portfolio of my character that I've opened and let Dropbox do the rest.

Movian June 25th, 2012 01:30 PM

hehe i will use dropbox but still thinking an integrated option would be cool ^_^

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