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jeffrey.m.freeman at gte. November 22nd, 2000 10:36 AM

Some more file errors with 40k Gamma II file
I guess this goes to Colen, don't know if they've been mentioned yet
or not...

Bugs so far:

1. Destroyer tank hunter's weapon comes up as S10, Ordnance;
should be S9, Heavy 1/Blast. Looks like an error in the base.40k

2. Salamander Command Vehicle doesn't register as an HQ for
attaching other units (like sentinels) or as the sole HQ choice.

3. Executioner Tank's Plasma Destroyer doesn't appear at the bottom
of the list in the weapons summary. (The weapon's not in the
base.40k? Sorry can't remember where I fixed the problem)

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demandred at skrill.org November 22nd, 2000 02:20 PM

Some more file errors with 40k Gamma II file
One fine day in the middle of the night, Jeff Freeman
<jeffrey.m.freeman@gte.net> got up to write:

>I guess this goes to Colen, don't know if they've been mentioned yet
>or not...
>Bugs so far:
>1. Destroyer tank hunter's weapon comes up as S10, Ordnance;
> should be S9, Heavy 1/Blast. Looks like an error in the base.40k
>2. Salamander Command Vehicle doesn't register as an HQ for
>attaching other units (like sentinels) or as the sole HQ choice.
>3. Executioner Tank's Plasma Destroyer doesn't appear at the bottom
>of the list in the weapons summary. (The weapon's not in the
>base.40k? Sorry can't remember where I fixed the problem)

Thanks, I'll check these out.

'Not Colin' McAlister - License to Skrill
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mnixon at macn.bc.ca November 22nd, 2000 04:31 PM

Some more file errors with 40k Gamma II file
I notice that with the LR Crusader although in the Unit Options it lists
"linked assault cannon" it does not list it in the "options" to the left
with the rest of the stats, and as a result the weapon does not show in
the weapon summary for your army, or with the unit in your printed roster.
Is this possible?


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