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Haarkon Grimstone January 9th, 2012 06:33 AM

Wolf Guard Squad
I just purchased army build and have found it won't allow me to build a Wolf Guard Squad. That is very disappointing to a long time Space Wolf player. Is there a fix or something I am not aware of?

Spack January 10th, 2012 12:14 AM

What do you mean by it not allowing you to build a squad? You need to pick the Wolf Guard Bodyguard unit, then add models to it using Add Unit tab at the right. This is covered in the FAQ that is on our website here: http://www.ab40k.org/faq/#sw1 ( this same FAQ is on the Help menu in Army Builder too).

B4BYR4C3R April 26th, 2012 01:52 AM

I realise this is a little bit 'necro' but I also have an issue with the Wolf Guard Squad that may fall under what Haarkon is getting at, so to avoid creating a double post....

I believe what he is getting at is that the entry in the SW Codex for a Wolf Guard squad it states "Any Wolf Guard model may replace....etc" essentially creating a squad of individually armed and armoured characters. However, when trying to create said squad in AB the options given apply to every single member of that squad, for example:- 5x Wolf Guard, 2x with Wolf Claws, 3x with Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield is impossible to create, it must be either 5x with Wolf Claws OR Thunder Hammer/Storm Shields.

This issue also extends to the Special (should be Heavy) Weapon option too wherein if you select the option for either Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer or Cyclone Missile Launcher it gives this option to all members of the squad no matter the number. In the SW Codex this option only applies to a select number of squad members not all of them - "For every five models in the squad, one Wolf Guard model in Terminator Armour may chose one of the following:....."

Spack April 27th, 2012 09:27 AM

In order to have individually armed models you need to use the starred buttons in the options pane to add additional models. If you use the +/- buttons on a single line in the unit, or the Adjust Count option, then all models on that line will be armed identically which is what you are seeing. But by using the starred buttons to add additional models on their own line, you can arm each separately.

So to build a unit with 3 differently armed WG with power armour, add a WG unit. Then click the button next to "w/ Power Armour" under the "Add Wolf Guard to Unit" heading. Then click the same button again twice. You now have 3 separate lines, each one representing a single WG model in power armour. You can set the options independently for these models and create the squad exactly as the codex allows.

This same method is used in units in various races as it's a much better way to handle individually armed models, especially where the weapon/wargear selections affect stats such as Strength and Attacks.

Spack May 1st, 2012 01:34 PM

The FAQ in the files has been updated with more details about how to arm Wolf Guard models individually. This change will be visible within Army Builder in the next 40k file release, in the meantime it can be viewed here: http://www.ab40k.org/faq/#sw1

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