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-   -   Realm Works Update - Beta Testers Selected! (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=15459)

John December 30th, 2011 10:32 AM

Realm Works Update - Beta Testers Selected!
This morning, we contacted the individuals we selected to assist us in the first beta testing phase of Realm Works!

We expect to start beta testing before the end of January, and we'll continue to post updates on the forum and our web site.

Remember, we expect to run multiple phases of beta testing, increasing the number of participants in each phase. So, even if you weren't selected for the first phase, you'll still be considered for future phases.

You can still complete the survey if you haven't done so already.

You can find more information on Realm Works and access the survey here.

TehBagder December 31st, 2011 06:24 PM

Poo! Didn't make the first cut. But am stoked that the Mac version of Hero Lab is coming, based upon the notes in the new 3.9 update that was released yesterday!

TehBagder January 1st, 2012 06:24 PM

And now even more stoked that I joined the Beta for the Mac version today, installed, imported and I'm now up and running Hero Lab on my Mac!

Based on this, I've already set aside the money for Realm Works. And I'll be pimping both programs to everyone I can.

rob January 3rd, 2012 03:31 PM

Please be aware that the initial release of Realm Works will be Windows only. This product is highly complex and uses a completely different underlying technology from Hero Lab. After Realm Works is fully operational, we will be looking to support it on the Mac as well. However, that will entail a significant amount of work, so it will take additional time, and we won't be able to begin that process until after Realm Works is fully realized.

Mac support is definitely important to us, as evidenced by the imminent Mac versions of Hero Lab and Army Builder. But we are too small of a company to do parallel development of a major new product on both platforms. I just want to make sure that nobody leaps to incorrect conclusions regarding the timing of Mac support for Realm Works. It's definitely planned, but it will follow the Windows version. :)

TehBagder January 3rd, 2012 03:34 PM

That's the beauty of a Mac running virtualization software, or Boot Camp: the best of both worlds! I was running Hero Lab in Windows 7 in Parallels until I switched the other day to the Mac Beta.

rob January 3rd, 2012 04:40 PM

Alright, that's cool then. I just wanted to make sure you're not expecting a native Mac version of Realm Works right away. :)

FYI, we've used Parallels on Mac Minis for years to run our demo computers at tradeshows. It works great!

TehBagder January 3rd, 2012 06:45 PM

Heh. No worries. I'd be more than happy to get my hands on the Windows version. Of course, being a Windows user, then switching to the Mac version in the future when it becomes available means that I can easily compare the two versions. (hint, hint ;))

abbadonas January 5th, 2012 09:55 PM

as a huge fan of the other products like army builder and hero lab (for which i want the D&D 3.0/3.5 to be expanded with all the different races in all the books that i have available to me, which if i knew how to build myself with the editor i would) i am very much looking forward to the next phase of beta testing since i am too late for the first phase, i hope to help make this program as good as i hope it to be when i pay for it, since i plan on using it for all the games i play in from now on.

Fubbles the Baby Cow January 12th, 2012 06:34 AM

Hoping for round 2
Sorry I didn't make the cut for the first round. Thanks for considering my groups, and I will hope to hear from you when round 2 is ready to roll!

mirtos January 12th, 2012 10:50 AM

Me too. I'm fairly sure i submitted my info in time, but wasn't selected :(

Sad Panda

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