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-   -   Definition to data file conversion error, help! (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=1431)

voidhammer at yahoo.com August 10th, 2000 09:30 AM

Definition to data file conversion error, help!
Okay, this is the first time I've done something like this, so please
bear with me. I need the army builder for a set of games unsupported
by current datafiles (2nd edition 40k to be exact), so I decided to
dive in and see what I could do. I constructed a text definition
file based off of the Army Builder example file. After many tries and
editing, I got it to translate into a definition file. Then I was
using abdata to try to create a datafile so I could start working on
this. The problem I encountered was that it kept on showing invalid
data. Here's the
exact stuff:

How the text file looks:

~Warhammer 40k2
General ~(40k2)
Game=Warhammer 40K2

Now, when I run abdata, it gives the error message:

ERROR - Invalid Data in Header Section: Description[General ~(40k2)]

But the text file I edited was the original tutor file (saved under a
different name of course) so I know that's how it's supposed to
look. The beginning, as far as I can see, is exactly like the
tutor's, barring the stuff after the ~. I've tried everything I can
think of, including deleting the top and seeing if it would reconize
the text that followed. All a no-go. Please help, what am I doing
wrong? Thanks, I appreciate it.

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rjs at inorbit.com August 10th, 2000 02:58 PM

Definition to data file conversion error, help!
Ok, your file isn't wrong, your method is.

You need to create a definition file (normally called
datadef.<insert extension here>) so probably datadef.4k2

To do this you need to create a text file (which you have done)
and then run abdef <name of text file> <name of datadef file>
so: abdef 40k2datadef.txt datadef.4k2
Which apparently you have also managed to do :-)

Then, you need to create data files such as marines.4k2, eldar.4k2
You can do this two ways:
1. Start up ABCreator and say New (It'll ask which game system by
checking for datadef files) and edit away.

2. Create text DATA files (not text DEF files) and run abdata
on them. So if you create a text file called marines.txt you need:
abdata datadef.4k2 marines.txt marines.4k2

This is all documented extremely well in the Construction Kit
manual (ConstKit.rtf).

You've set yourself an impressive goal for your first set of
AB datafiles. Good Luck :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Void Hammer [mailto:voidhammer@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, 11 August 2000 3:30 AM
To: ab@support.wolflair.com
Subject: [AB] Definition to data file conversion error, help!

Okay, this is the first time I've done something like this, so please
bear with me. I need the army builder for a set of games unsupported
by current datafiles (2nd edition 40k to be exact), so I decided to
dive in and see what I could do. I constructed a text definition
file based off of the Army Builder example file. After many tries and
editing, I got it to translate into a definition file. Then I was
using abdata to try to create a datafile so I could start working on
this. The problem I encountered was that it kept on showing invalid
data. Here's the
exact stuff:

How the text file looks:

~Warhammer 40k2
General ~(40k2)
Game=Warhammer 40K2

Now, when I run abdata, it gives the error message:

ERROR - Invalid Data in Header Section: Description[General ~(40k2)]

But the text file I edited was the original tutor file (saved under a
different name of course) so I know that's how it's supposed to
look. The beginning, as far as I can see, is exactly like the
tutor's, barring the stuff after the ~. I've tried everything I can
think of, including deleting the top and seeing if it would reconize
the text that followed. All a no-go. Please help, what am I doing
wrong? Thanks, I appreciate it.

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voidhammer at yahoo.com August 10th, 2000 03:36 PM

Definition to data file conversion error, help!
--- Russell Sparkes <rjs@inorbit.com> wrote:
> Ok, your file isn't wrong, your method is.


Thanks! I apparently went down a blind alley. You
helped me fix the problem. Now on with the months of
work :)

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