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Wyldstar August 4th, 2011 06:08 PM

Street Magic
I'm just curious how long befor this book in particular will be added. I've been working on a mage for the game I'm in and I'd love to use some of the things from this book.

On a related note, is there a way to do custom spells?

Colen August 4th, 2011 06:13 PM

We're planning to add the Shadowrun supplements over the next few months, but we don't have a specific timescale yet. We'll probably be announcing that in our newsletter in the next couple of months, so keep an eye on that for further details.

Custom spells can be added in the editor - go to "Launch Editor" in the Tools menu, create a new file, and check the Spells tab.

Hope this helps!

cryptoknight August 4th, 2011 06:54 PM

Colen, before I get to work on doing a lot of custom data.

Do you guys have a rough time estimate? i.e. will we have the core rulebooks (Augmentation, Runners Companion, Street Magic, Arsenal, and Unwired) within 3 months, or will it be more like a year for all of those?

I've managed to make a Dryad from RC with very little work thanks to another post above, but too many characters require stuff from the various add-on books these days, which may make using the SR ruled set a nice fun thing to do, but more of a beta until the rest of the rulebooks are handy.

I'm still at a loss as to how to even try Arsenal Weapons mods... several of those don't have their own cost, but instead multiply the purchase cost of the base item... I was looking for where Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta grade cyberware was defined to see how I could script an item that multiplies the base cost of items, but that appears to be in the core rules files, and not a data entry.

thedarkelf007 August 4th, 2011 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by cryptoknight (Post 59966)
I'm still at a loss as to how to even try Arsenal Weapons mods... several of those don't have their own cost, but instead multiply the purchase cost of the base item... I was looking for where Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta grade cyberware was defined to see how I could script an item that multiplies the base cost of items, but that appears to be in the core rules files, and not a data entry.

I've tried a few custom things in it myself, not sure if this helps. There were a few "custom" options with things like lifestyle, programs and the such where I was able to specify the amount of nuyen or build points that something would cost.

Though it does make the items more place holders for future updates, but it might be enough to tide you over till the actual items are available.

I really like the ability to name items and have notes attached to them. (Can we have that in Pathfinder please).

Most of my characters use all the books as well, so like Pathfinder, I will try and be patient for them to turn up :-)

Colen August 5th, 2011 07:46 PM

With the understanding that nothing is set in stone yet: We're anticipating about ~3 months to release the first wave of supplements, which will include 50+% of the "big 5" books that you mentioned. After that we'll be adding the other supplements as fast as we can.

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