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kbs666 January 3rd, 2017 10:31 AM

Places list category
The places category doesn't have a list type. While it is easy enough to add one it should be a standard part of RW.

The bigger a realm gets putting things in lists becomes an organizational necessity. This includes places. For instance the geographic locations of a nation should all be in a list to simplify finding them amongst all the other topics under the nation.

Farling January 3rd, 2017 11:06 AM

Perhaps the assumption in the current RW design is that a hierarchy of places would define where each place was, rather than having separate collections of places.

Isn't it better to have a market as a child of the topic describing the settlement or district in which the market resides?

kbs666 January 3rd, 2017 12:22 PM

Consider a town under that town you have a
cast list of residents
group list of groups unique to the town
and then mixed in the various neighborhoods or individual locations in town. Rather than having them all under a single places list.

If the emphasis is on letting GM's do things the way that works best for them this should be available. It is annoying that I have to create the category every time I create a new realm.

DaFranker January 8th, 2017 01:12 AM

+1 for the reasons kbs666 said...

...but also because sometimes, besides that, you have a "place" which is not strictly contained within specific other places. For example, a store chain / franchise, or a floating city-island, or exotic "locations" that defy space and are accessed from multiple places at once (the mage's pocket manor, for example, accessed from any door using one of four magical keys).

Silveras January 8th, 2017 06:54 AM

For most of the uses of a "Places List", there are entries in other Categories that suit the purpose.. such as "Places of Interest" on the Community and various Region topics.

Store chains/franchises are represented as "Organization/Chapter" relationships.

I am not arguing against such a "Places list", just pointing out that there are existing ways that may work as well.

kbs666 January 8th, 2017 07:46 AM

Why is this a point of contention? If the emphasis is on letting GM's do things the way that works best for them and some of us want a places list category for fairly obvious reasons then this should get added so we don't have to keep adding it to every new realm. If you don't want it you don't ever have to use it.

AEIOU January 8th, 2017 08:12 AM

Hopefully starting tomorrow, you can create a blank realm just how you want, then clone it whenever you make a new one. I don't read contention here but rather a very welcome questioning of niche additions that may add bloat for a significant number of people. I like the idea personally, but I'd prefer that because viable solutions are already available, LW focus their effort on calendars and journals and other things that are not available instead, please.

kbs666 January 8th, 2017 10:20 AM

You mean create a half dozen blank realms plus additional ones for any other rules sets I ever start using.

If this gets added to the default realm it saves me having to add it myself over and over again.

AEIOU January 10th, 2017 05:52 PM

Another option is to add merchants to Region:Urban groups for the neighborhoods. This works extremely well for large cities with multiple districts but would likely suit your needs for villages as well with just one Region:Urban group to contain the village locations.

My containers are arranged as the following: Region:Geographical <-- Community <-- Region:Urban <-- Merchant

I do not put Community's into Region:Political's because those can change over time. Rather I link to them and create relationships.

Merion January 12th, 2017 03:25 AM

I support this, as I recently thought about something similar.

While I generally use the hirarchy method of ordering places, I sometimes create places that have no fixed location yet. I have several Inns, Merchants and stores pre-created to choose from when I need it.

For example I have a clockmaker workshop with original (imho) characters that I created over the holidays. Now I could just put it in city A, B or C and either the PCs never encounter it or I need to create a quest just to utilize it.
My approach is to leave it in a list of stores without fixed location and whenever a PC needs something a clockmaker could sell, I pull it out of the list and stuff it in the city the PCs a currently in and there it will then find its permanent place.

I suspect I'm not the only DM working like this...

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