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Acenoid October 2nd, 2014 05:18 PM

Functionality for non-cloud users
1) Ensure offline compatibility for manipulations of the database (e.g. copying data / tags / categories between realms)

2) I would like to be able to buy / download and install cloud content w/o having a cloud subscription.

3) This would be probably too much to ask for a non-cloud user: Web viewer via direct ip link (so this would be equal to my own server where players could connect to to look.

These features would ensure all players benefit of the same basic functionality, while the more advanced things can still be done with the cloud.

Viking2054 October 2nd, 2014 06:07 PM

number 1 sounds good to me.

Not sure what you mean by request 2... No cloud service to browse the store for purchasable content? It might be better in my opinion if things purchased through the store had links placed in your cloud storage that didn't count against your cloud storage allotment (or tier of capacity) and would allow you to sync that data even if you didn't have a paid subscription. If you modified the content and then wanted to sync up to the cloud then, the changes would count against your cloud storage. It should work similarly to how Amazon.com treats purchased digital content such as music where, if you purchased it through them, it doesn't count against your amazon cloud storage capacity.

I consider number 3 to be a potential direct threat to hacking and virus/malware infection of my system. I would rather have this feature handled purely by LWD through the cloud service. I don't mind if LWD makes it an option, as long as I can turn it off. Also, why would LWD even consider this option. In my opinion, it would be in LWD's best interest to get the monthly/annual subscription fee for cloud service in order to power this feature. Otherwise they are giving free access with no real return on investment. Unless the web based stuff is severely limited compared to the players edition, why would anyone invest in the players edition? It's also one reason I think the web based stuff shouldn't be a top priority... except for advertising, I don't see any money making capability from a web app. And if they want to use it to advertise the Player and GM versions, then your going to see a bunch of locked capability that says... purchase the player edition to access this feature or that feature... maybe even a few items that may say you need to purchase the GM version.

Acenoid October 3rd, 2014 03:04 AM

I will rephrase two a little to tweak your text.
Regarding 3) well every "program" and every "service" you offer on your own system is a threat to your system security.

Jup I also think that this is pretty low quality and reduces the uniqueness of the product in regards of the cloud management.

Dr_Automaton October 3rd, 2014 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by acenoid (Post 194535)
1) ensure offline compatibility for manipulations of the database (e.g. Copying data / tags / categories between realms)

2) i would like to be able to buy / download and install cloud content w/o having a cloud subscription.

+1 .

Exmortis October 3rd, 2014 05:18 AM

So you want access to cloud functionality but not willing to pay for it?

Am I reading number 2 correctly?

Number 1 I am sure and hope is a given.

I doubt you will see number 3 anytime soon, and it would require use of the player edition I am sure..

MaxSupernova October 3rd, 2014 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Exmortis (Post 194589)
So you want access to cloud functionality but not willing to pay for it?

I think he's saying that he doesn't want the cloud sync stuff, but wants access to the store.

Some people like to manage their own data without having it on the cloud. If we could work offline all the time, except be able to import things from the store into our realms, that's the request as I understand it. I don't think it's unreasonable. It might not be in the plan, but it's not unreasonable.

Viking2054 October 3rd, 2014 07:16 AM

For option 2, I would still prefer a method where it was placed in cloud storage for your account even if you didn't have a subscription for the cloud service. Just let me log in and do a one way sync that would allow me to pull what I purchased without the subscription. If I ever want to push things up to the cloud, then I should pay. In my opinion, this gives my purchase some survivability if something catastrophic were to ever happen to my computer and my data. I could then recover from the cloud any purchases without worry.

Exmortis October 3rd, 2014 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by MaxSupernova (Post 194591)
I think he's saying that he doesn't want the cloud sync stuff, but wants access to the store.

Some people like to manage their own data without having it on the cloud. If we could work offline all the time, except be able to import things from the store into our realms, that's the request as I understand it. I don't think it's unreasonable. It might not be in the plan, but it's not unreasonable.

It isn't but, based on his/her post below, they want cloud sync for free.

Exmortis October 3rd, 2014 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Viking2054 (Post 194601)
For option 2, I would still prefer a method where it was placed in cloud storage for your account even if you didn't have a subscription for the cloud service. Just let me log in and do a one way sync that would allow me to pull what I purchased without the subscription. If I ever want to push things up to the cloud, then I should pay. In my opinion, this gives my purchase some survivability if something catastrophic were to ever happen to my computer and my data. I could then recover from the cloud any purchases without worry.

Asking for cloud storage for free in my opinion is unreasonable, this isn't Google or Microsoft.

Just use the backup option, it is not LWD's responsibility to provid free backup services for RW. Store it on a NAS, or CD, or USB stick, or external HD.

However maybe a cost reduced cloud backup feature allowing only the owner to sync? that maybe a cool idea for those that never intend to use cloud sync to players. I think the player sync feature is truely one of RW's better options, but I also have a play group totally comprised of computer at the table users. Not everyone is going to be in that situation.

AEIOU October 3rd, 2014 07:55 AM

Life is filled with difficult choices. The more utility/use/pleasure I get from something, the more I'm willing to pay.

I used to justify purchases by comparing them to my cable bill. At $100/30, that's about $3/day. Will I get as much use from whatever I'm purchasing? Will it make me as happy? Will I save as much time? But of course, when using this comparison, can I afford another "cable" bill...?

That all said, I do remember my high school and college days -- the first 10 years of my gaming. Every single dollar had to be accounted for and the simple pleasures simply didn't exist. A student or charter member rate would be appreciated that offers minimal access and support. Build a loyal base and they may surprise you....

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