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-   -   What Pathfinder Content Do You Want to See First? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=56795)

rob October 17th, 2016 10:01 PM

What Pathfinder Content Do You Want to See First?
We're going to be releasing an assortment of content for Realm Works when we launch the Content Market in December, with the initial focus being on adventures and other highly reusable material that can be dropped into numerous campaigns. A healthy portion of the content will be for Pathfinder, but not all of it. Beyond December, we'll continue to add more content for different game systems, with Pathfinder being prominent. This is just an informal poll to give us an idea of what aspects of the overall Pathfinder catalog you would find most desirable.

Note: This particular poll is exclusively targeted at Pathfinder GMs and players. If your interest lies with other game systems, please don't assume this means we're only going to be focusing on Pathfinder. We'll be supporting a variety of game systems. Pathfinder just happens to have a vast catalog, and we want to target our support effectively for the game.

DMG October 17th, 2016 10:36 PM

I'm looking for the CRB, followed by the Strange Aeons AP.

However I selected the essential rule books first.

MNBlockHead October 17th, 2016 11:33 PM

Not interested in PF, but in general I think it is best to have the bestiaries/monster manuals first for linking purposes. I'm finding rules less important. They are nice to have in there for searching and looking up, but I'm finding linking to rules not so important.

Pollution October 18th, 2016 05:53 AM


NeoEvaX October 18th, 2016 07:48 AM

I would personally prefer Rise of the Rune Lords. I am planning on running it as soon as I can get Realm Works.

I wouldn't mind having the core books in there as well, but with so much of that being online now I don't see the need. Where as turning a Adventure Path into the structure of Realm Works is something we cant easily search through.

I tend to think my main use of Realm Works is to plan out adventures, not look up rules.

My 2 cents at least.

JustinThomason October 18th, 2016 08:22 AM

I personally voted for APs and Huge Adventures, but Modules and Smaller Adventures is a very close second for me.

While broader rulebooks would be great, and I am sure I will buy rulebooks and bestiaries eventually once they are available, I use Realm Works to manage adventures more than anything else.

I have Hero Lab to wrangle monsters (and routinely attach portfolio files as RW snippets) and general rules are easy to look up online. My biggest time sink is entering the adventure content and if I could purchase a pre-structured version of the module or AP I plan to run, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Pollution October 18th, 2016 09:08 AM


kbs666 October 18th, 2016 09:14 AM

Personally I want the bestiaries first.

Presently my rules almanac is mostly monsters and what races/classes archetypes are allowed in the campaign.

I really don't expect to ever want a lot of rules crunch in RW. For instance the allowed classes and archetypes is little more than a list and a reference to what source it appears in. I leave all the crunchy stuff to HL.

Dhrakken October 18th, 2016 10:27 AM

I voted core rulebooks first.. bestiaries would be next followed by the AP (specifically Reign of Winter lol). I won't be starting the second book until the new year so there's hope still!

NeoEvaX October 18th, 2016 10:28 AM

I think it is interesting how we all use Realm works differently.

I use Hero Lab for my monsters and encounters, then I load their files into Realm Works. I use Realm works for all the Story/Towns/NPC background/Lore/etc. Not the "rules".

I don't think I would use Realm works to look up rules or monsters, I would just use the web, or Hero Lab. But Realm works works so much better than trying to scan through the huge book that is RotRLs. Looking up who runs the item shop in Sandport is a LOT harder without Realm Works than looking up the stats to a beast or Rules.

I am not saying how other people use it is wrong, just kinda intrigued how many ways it can be used. Its a testament to how powerful it can be.

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