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-   -   Support for Re-using Global Category Names (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=58437)

Sword_of_Spirit May 16th, 2017 06:05 PM

Support for Re-using Global Category Names
Because I do heavy customization, I duplicated all of the categories and articles I use, and then hid the originals. I kept the same names, and it is easy to distinguish them in the Manage section because you can see they are user made.

With the recent changes, Realm Works won't let me do that. If I want to use the Content Market, I have to rename all of my dozens of duplicate categories, and the original category names are just off-limits to me. Furthermore, Realm Works won't even let me add a space or other invisible character to the name to keep it cosmetically the same.

I really have a problem with this. I want to be able to use my version of categories, without unprotecting and messing up the originals in case I need them for imported topics, but the only way to do that currently is to think of satisfying new names for all of them, or append something to the name--which is a really clunky and ugly solution.

Is there some way Realm Works can allow us to add an invisible marker to a category name that distinguishes it sufficiently for Realm Works's internal purposes, but allows us to re-use the global names?

Greebo May 16th, 2017 09:20 PM

I also use custom categories extensivly, but I never had a problem with renaming them the way you have. Instead of just one invisible charakter I add " (K)" indicating that they were customized for my homebrew world and system named "Karatas".

ruhar May 22nd, 2017 07:40 PM

Why not use the intial of your world or campaign at the beginning or end of the category name? If it's at the beginning they would all be grouped together.

As for the Content Market, I was told that I can copy a category and and make changes to fit my needs. Before I export it I do a mass convert back to the original category but my structure from custom will stay intact. I was warned, though, to do this when I'm completely done because it can't be undone. I think it was daplunk who told me or maybe someone else. Can daplunk or someone confirm this for me and add anything I forgot?

Sword_of_Spirit May 23rd, 2017 09:30 PM

Well the main reason is because I used to be able to do it, and now I can't, and I don't feel like the reasoning is sufficient, since custom categories with the same name as global categories are still differentiated in the Manage section. I would prefer to be allowed to use those duplicates.

I'd prefer not to have to do something ugly like add a character to a name instead of using the actual name that I want to use, which I have previously been using. I'll be hiding the originals and only using my copies, so I there is no confusion in usage.

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