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Quintain February 19th, 2019 02:44 PM

Midgard Setting by Kobold Press
LW: The packages are purchasable in your store for the Midgard Setting as well as the Hero's Handbook and the southern one as well.

However, the deities of midgard are missing as well as the domains -- any idea when they will be completed?

(I asked KP and they said that Lone Wolf is the developer for these packages).


Rone February 20th, 2019 01:11 PM

The next KP book we're releasing for 5e in Hero Lab is the Midgard Heroes Handbook, which includes deities and domains. While we don't yet have a timeline for it yet, those deities are on their wayities.

We currently publish Midgard Heroes (similar name, different product):

But the book I think you're talking about is the Midgard Heroes Handbook: https://koboldpress.com/kpstore/prod...dition-dnd-5e/

I hope that helps!

Quintain February 20th, 2019 05:15 PM

Ah, you are absolutely correct. Got the products mixed up.


Ambush May 23rd, 2019 11:05 AM

Wait, what? Midgard Heroes is NOT the Midgard Heroes Handbook??

dungeonguru May 24th, 2019 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ambush (Post 279067)
Wait, what? Midgard Heroes is NOT the Midgard Heroes Handbook??

Well, no but somewhat yes?

KP was releasing the Midgard setting piecemeal for a while, so you could purchase Midgard Heroes, Southland Heroes and Unlikely Heroes, AS WELL as the Deep Magic 1 - 18 and a couple of other small PDFs for $3 to $5 each.

Midgard Heroes Handbook puts *most* of that material together in one big PDF, and adds the *Midgard* gods into the cleric section along with some other pieces from their combat options PDF (the expanded weapon options).

The big MHH doesn't have some of the races from Southland and Unlikely Heroes and is missing some of the Deep Magic spells and options. I'll also assume it's missing several of the Southland deities.

TBH, it soured me on KP a bit since MHH is almost a reprint of existing materials but they chose to drop out some cool bits in order to drive sales to their smaller PDFs

Ambush May 29th, 2019 07:56 AM

Since I figured this out, I got a refund from LW and rolled my own Bearfolk for the time being. VERY disappointed in how unclear what is included is.

daplunk May 29th, 2019 01:27 PM

Midgard Heroes has been available for years. There's probably dozens of websites that have the index available if you need to see what's included.

dungeonguru May 29th, 2019 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 279233)
Midgard Heroes has been available for years. There's probably dozens of websites that have the index available if you need to see what's included.

Midgard Heroes (for 5e) was available in early 2017, it only has 11 races and 7 backgrounds.

Midgard Heroes Handbook (for 5e) came out a year later and added a bunch of subclasses, equipment and spells.

LW is currently only offering the first book (only backgrounds and races) for HLC, but it can confuse you as to what you're getting since the names are so similar - also the price is probably a giveaway since the HLC content is nearly the same price as the PDF, the smaller MH was about $5, the bigger MHH should be about $20 - $30. I seem to have read somewhere that they intend to get the second, more robust, book into HLC sometime in the future. I know that it is currently available for Realm Works in the content market, so there is hope it won't be much longer.

cybersavant January 1st, 2020 11:16 PM

In the Pathfinder - Midgard package, the Bearfolk race is missing. All the rest seem to be there.

I tried t use the Race Builder to add it, but there are some abilities, like the extra carrying capacity that are listed in there.


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