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McTaff August 6th, 2011 03:16 AM

Data Packages in HL and RW
I am curious, as I couldn't find any reference: Are data packages in Realm Works going to be purchased separately from Hero Lab?

For example: A new expansion book comes out.

I always like to purchase a hard copy book from Paizo. Then, if I fire up Hero Lab and purchase the expansion data package there (as I play as a character in two campaigns), will I also have to purchase the same reference material once more for use in Realm Works (as I DM a third campaign)? Or will they be valid and integrated for both programs?

I do confess that I have my misgivings about buying something three times, although I understand companies don't create wonderful tools for free, nor to they transcribe books into code packages simply for the love of it.

rob August 9th, 2011 09:58 AM

We're implementing Realm Works as a *complement* to Hero Lab. As such, data files you purchase for Hero Lab would generally *not* be material you'd want in Realm Works - and vice versa. I can think of some blurred cases, where some pieces of a supplement would be used in Hero Lab and different pieces would be used in Realm Works. We'll have to figure out a clean way to handle that, but I can't really envision a situation where you'll be using the exact same content in both places.

For example, consider an AP. The crunchy bits for character creation would be in Hero Lab, while all other aspects of the AP would be managed through Realm Works. We haven't charged for any of the AP crunchy bits in Hero Lab, so there wouldn't be a need to purchase the AP a third time.

As we get closer to release, I'm sure we'll find a few cases where things get blurred more heavily. In those cases, we'll figure out something that makes sense. Our goal is *not* to gouge anyone, and paying for something a third time doesn't sit well with me either. :)

McTaff August 11th, 2011 05:14 AM

Mucho love for the Lone Wolf team...

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