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natethechamp October 15th, 2020 08:47 AM

Copy NPC across scripts?
Is there a way to copy an NPC across scripts/save it outside of the script once it's created?

I've been making my NPCs inside scripts (which now seems like a bad idea...), and I'm looking to reuse one. However, the NPC isn't showing up in my personal folder (none of my NPCs are). The NPC does say it's "Script-only Cast". Thanks in advance.

rob October 16th, 2020 03:17 AM

The backend supports this, but it looks like we haven't yet exposed that capability within the UI. I'm gonna talk to the UI team about getting that addressed. Until we get that done, though, you're not gonna be able to do that.

Reusable NPCs should be setup outside of scripts and then linked to the various scripts where they are used. The backend allows an NPC from within a script to be moved out and then used in this manner. We apparently still need to get that added to the UI. Sorry.

Thrawn82 October 29th, 2020 09:03 AM

I would really love to have this functionality. I've been manually entering all the encounters for Extinction Curse and often i will find a custom NPC i've created for a script ends up being using later in the module and i end up having to custom create the same NPC several times. it would be really nice to just be able to copy out the "Xulgath Mage" from one script into the campaign characters or into another script instead of having to either remake it in the characters section or in another script.

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