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SAbel April 25th, 2009 10:45 PM

Star Wars Saga
Hey everyone,
I am just checking to see if anyone has had time or success making Saga rules work with in HL. I have started (but not far) using 4E as the base but I am having troubles right away as always. I thought that if someone else has a start that they could share so the rest of us could use em or see what is done before building from the ground up.

karpomatic May 3rd, 2009 05:34 PM

Having just bought the program today, I havent tried any of the editing but I'd love a Star Wars Saga data file.

Colen May 12th, 2009 11:39 AM

Unfortunately, data files for Star Wars are probably not feasible; we investigated the possibility some time ago, but to do them we'd need to get a license from LucasArts, which would not be easy to do unless we put a lot of money down on the table. :(

SAbel May 13th, 2009 06:37 PM

I understand that the cost for SAGA or any Star Wars rules would be way to much & I am not one to be willing to pay $100. large or more for the info, But does that mean if we make it that we can not share with each other (ok as long as it is all for free) or would this get you all (Lone Wolf in trouble AKA storm troopers with baster shutting you down) if it is ok then >>>>
Ok I still thinking that it would be best if I use 4E rules instead of d20 for SAGA to work out info. But I am getting stuck as were to start ie classes or skills first ect. :(

rob May 15th, 2009 03:51 PM

If users developed data files for SAGA and shared them, I don't believe there would be any problems. Now, it's quite possible that Lucas could take exception, but I don't think they'd view fan-created material that supports an officially licensed product as a bad thing.

I don't know enough about SAGA to be helpful on how best to proceed. Hopefully, Colen can chime in with some useful suggestions, but I'm not sure how much he knows about SAGA either.

SAbel May 21st, 2009 05:35 PM

I am afraid I kept Colen busy in the 4E forums :( so he did not make it to this one.
SAGA was the steping stone to 4E Lead on it helped start 4E and then jumped back to SW line to bring in Saga which in essance it the bridge between 3.5 and 4E addition, smaller skill list (somewhat) tighter class features, tailored feats, more hit points and leveling up is very 4E when you look at it. My brief overview.

rob May 26th, 2009 06:50 PM

Conceptually, it sounds like starting with the 4E files might be a good approach. However, it might be a mess in terms of the actual mechanics. That's something Colen needs to comment on, since he knows the 4E data files inside and out - and I'm just tacitly familiar with them.

Colen May 27th, 2009 07:46 AM

I took a look at Star Wars Saga Edition when it originally came out; looking back, it's interesting that Wizards talked about how it was one of the stepping stones to 4th edition, because it's far more similar to d20 than 4e (imo). They certainly simplified a lot of things down to where they are in 4th edition, but the "powers" mechanism which I would consider 4e's keystone is nowhere to be seen, and the class mechanics are a generalised version of d20's.

Given the options, there are 2 possible starting points for Saga, both with their own advantages and disadvantages.

The 4e data files would be one place to start; they're the simpler choice, and you can edit all the mechanics since you have the source code. At-Will powers can be refitted into Talents, Encounter powers to Force powers, and Daily / Utility powers simply discarded. However, the 4e files don't support classes to the level necessary for complete Saga support - you're fine if you want to take a single class (and maybe one prestige class), but if you want to combine classes you're out of luck. The core tenet of 4e is that you have a single class, a single paragon path and a single epic destiny - multiclassing is entirely based on feats, even with the new 'hybrid class' system they designed.

The d20 files would be the other place. They have the class system already in place, so you can easily create all the different Saga Edition classes and combine them in any ways you want. Talents and Force Powers can be assigned via custom abilities and spells.

If I personally was going about creating Saga Edition data files, I'd probably do it in a copy of the d20 files, with all the standard classes and feats marked with "hide" elements. However, I haven't gone through the book recently enough to identify any "gotchas" that would cause problems. Have you considered that as a solution? If not, it might be worth trying to implement a couple of classes in d20 to see how easy it is before making major changes to the 4e files.

Hope this helps!

SAbel June 19th, 2009 07:43 AM

Thank you Rob and Colen,
You both have helped out a great deal, if I get some free time over the next month hopefully I can get the info in.

TCArknight June 20th, 2009 09:17 AM


Let me know when you get started on the Saga stuff. I'd love to help with it as I've been trying to get started on it myself. Haven't gotten far yet though... (mostly due to time constraints)

I was trying to do it from scratch though, so I definitely think using d20 as a basis is the better way to go. :)

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