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-   -   FAQ Web Page 404'd (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=64519)

weogarth July 12th, 2020 05:04 PM

FAQ Web Page 404'd

Campaign been on a hiatus, so haven't used Realm Works in some time, so used the FAQ button on the Help menu, which goes to


It's not there. I know you guys have pulled the plug on active dev but I really hope that you haven't disabled basic support of the product as well. That would be....unfortunate.

Parody July 12th, 2020 05:17 PM

They revamped the website a while ago and many things moved and/or disappeared. You can still get some support by emailing support@wolflair.com or using the bug reporter on the website.

Farling July 13th, 2020 01:21 AM

It's crazy that they haven't programmed redirect pages into their new web site!

meek75 July 13th, 2020 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by weogarth (Post 289644)

Campaign been on a hiatus, so haven't used Realm Works in some time, so used the FAQ button on the Help menu, which goes to


It's not there. I know you guys have pulled the plug on active dev but I really hope that you haven't disabled basic support of the product as well. That would be....unfortunate.

They have indeed stopped "basic support". Critical errors are not being addressed and customers that have reached out to LWD have been told they don't have time for RW, and have shifted focus to HLO/PF.

Exmortis July 15th, 2020 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by meek75 (Post 289657)
They have indeed stopped "basic support". Critical errors are not being addressed and customers that have reached out to LWD have been told they don't have time for RW, and have shifted focus to HLO/PF.

They do not even take the time to enter these forums. We are the forsaken!

Acenoid July 17th, 2020 08:15 AM

I am just waiting for April 1st, when someone from LWD will announce a major update :)

... Anyways let's "hope" they either are so successful with HLO that they might get some funding for RW, or they utterly fail and get back to RW with a new kickstarter or paid model to make some money.

Exmortis July 23rd, 2020 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Acenoid (Post 289736)
I am just waiting for April 1st, when someone from LWD will announce a major update :)

... Anyways let's "hope" they either are so successful with HLO that they might get some funding for RW, or they utterly fail and get back to RW with a new kickstarter or paid model to make some money.

It maybe too late for that now, they have lost so much of the client base my bet is they wouldn't get much support, also trust is lost one can only take so many mistruths. Not sure I would trust them with any investment.

I renewed my server access, again to show some support. But I believe RW is an EoL product and that was wasted money.

Greebo July 23rd, 2020 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Exmortis (Post 289829)
It maybe too late for that now, they have lost so much of the client base my bet is they wouldn't get much support, also trust is lost one can only take so many mistruths. Not sure I would trust them with any investment.

I renewed my server access, again to show some support. But I believe RW is an EoL product and that was wasted money.

Same here. I renewed my server access primarily to gain some time to decide which alternative I will use in the future.

Exmortis July 24th, 2020 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Greebo (Post 289838)
Same here. I renewed my server access primarily to gain some time to decide which alternative I will use in the future.

I so hear that, but getting all my work into a new product is daunting to say the least.

meek75 July 24th, 2020 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Exmortis (Post 289842)
I so hear that, but getting all my work into a new product is daunting to say the least.

I decided to not even try. I did not renew my access and have chalked it up to a lesson learned the hard way. I may never be willing to put the effort into data input like that ever again. At least if I use a google doc it will remain accessible.

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