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BlueDagger October 28th, 2010 11:26 AM

Imperial - Errors
Please post any bugs/typos/errors for Imperial

- Tyrant weapons are missing their correct profiles. Fixed on next release

Lord Kahlain November 7th, 2010 03:40 AM

Tyrant is missing weapons summary

BlueDagger November 10th, 2010 07:56 AM

Thanks a bunch for the report. This will be fixed on next release.

Jonru November 15th, 2010 01:48 AM

"grcrs" (grand cruisers) rule summary currently says:

You must have at least two cruisYou must have at least two cruisers for every battlecrYou must have at least three cruisers for every grand cruiser.

Bold is not needed

Same for "hvycrs":
You must have at least two cruisYou must have at least two cruisers for every battlecrYou must have at least three cruiseYou must have at least two cruisers for every heavy cruiser.

Are rules warlrd and swarlrd pretty much the same? Haven't investigated much so please excuse my ignorance if i'm wrong :P

BlueDagger November 15th, 2010 08:28 AM

Not seeing the bolding appearing in the text in AB. What ship selection and location are you seeing this?

A lot of the datafile stuff is a bit of a mess so while I'm sifting through things I'm trying to touch just what shows as an error on the user side for the moment.

Jonru November 16th, 2010 12:16 AM

I added the bolding myself though looking again the sentence is there three times! It's in the rules data file, rules grcrs, hvycrs, warlrd, swarlrd, used for when you add too many grand cruisers etc I believe. Just a simple description change is all that's needed to clear it up. :)

BlueDagger November 17th, 2010 07:19 AM

Looked at this one again, looks like that is only a summery for the data file admin use. The end user see the message correctly as what they see is based off the message not summery. Is it showing the 3 sentences for you in the actual AB screen?

Jonru November 18th, 2010 01:33 AM

Ah no, just the admin side, though tis something I thought you might want to clear up :) 10 second jobby me thinks :) Cheers

Adam December 12th, 2010 09:16 AM

Excellent work on the data files! However, I've noticed a few errors in the Imperial Gothic fleet lists:

Dictator: Turrets = 3;
Dominator: No long range weapon option.
Tyrant: Weapon options screwed up: i.e. can't have 30cm weapons and torpedoes.

Cobra: Speed = 30cm; Armor = 4+; Turrets = 1

Keep up the good work!

BlueDagger December 15th, 2010 04:49 AM

Thanks a bunch for the post, I'll check these out when I dig back into the files!

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