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tkarn April 1st, 2023 02:36 PM

Manipulate description
I want to manipulate the descrition field of a tag via script, but i have no success. Is it possible to add additional text to a tag description? If I try to write to a tag.field[descript].text I get an error: Can not access to a non-derived field. Where can i change it? Is there an other way to become successful?


Dami April 1st, 2023 05:11 PM

There's a macro for "Add to the description of the designated thing":
#appenddesc[thing_id, desc]
Maybe this would help?

tkarn April 1st, 2023 11:34 PM

Hmm, Not rallye.

tkarn April 2nd, 2023 12:21 AM

Hmm, not realy.
The eval Script bringst back an Syntax error.

Dami April 2nd, 2023 12:33 AM

Can you simply alter your tag to have the description you want, or do you have a base tag that you want to add something to in certain circumstances?
Just to check: you are doing this with the Authoring Kit (writing your own data set), not just modifying something in an existing data set? If the first, you may need Mathias to make a suggestion or see if there is anything helpful in the Authoring Kit wiki.

Mathias April 2nd, 2023 12:49 AM

All information set for tags is fixed, and can't be changed at run-time. I'd use two different tags - different ids, different description text, same name, and switch which tag is present whenever this circumstance comes up. Oh, and make the tag Ids have the same initial part, like Custom.Foo and Custom.FooModified, so that when looking for "do we have 'Foo'", you can test Custom.Foo?

tkarn April 2nd, 2023 01:34 AM

I use the Authoring Kit tzo write my own datasets.
Ok, what will I do.

The first component is a list of all available spells.
Component: "spell"

The second component is a list of spellnames according to a "class".
Component: "spelllist"
There is a linkage to the "spell" component and a tagadd to "class".

I want to enter the spelldescription once, in the "spell" component.

In a dynamic table i show the spells from "spelllist" component and want to show the description off the corresponding "spell" when i hover the mouse over the info portal of the tabelentry.

Mathias April 2nd, 2023 09:19 AM

Please explain your project some more. I'm not really following what it is you're trying to accomplish, but from what I do understand, I wouldn't use the description text on tags to do it. And avoid code and Ids, please - just tell me the game rules you're implementing.

tkarn April 2nd, 2023 01:42 PM

I will do my homebrew system in german, basing on LevelUp (Adv. 5e), but with a minimalized use of the rulesystem - the 5e is to migthy on one side, but some rules are missing.

I want to build the magic rules. There is a pool of spells in one list, with the complete descrition of the spell, entered in the great description text field in the editor. When I add such a tag, the description is shown, when I move my mouse over the info field.

then i have a second list with all spells for f.e. the wizard class. But there is only the name of the spell and a reference link to the complete spellist. I dont want to enter the spelldescription twice, but want to see the description, when i hover the i in that list.

The usage of 2 lists is more clear for me (the editors are well-arranged).

My be the right question is, who can I change, what is shown in the info field, when I move the mouse over the "i"?
I didn't find, where the action "info" is defined. A text search in the files had no result.

Maybe I think to complicated.

Mathias April 2nd, 2023 02:08 PM

Can't you just assign a tag to each spell that is a wizard spell, and then for the wizard, show only the sub-set of spells that are for that class (the spells that have that tag)? It sounds like you're defining two different things in the editor to represent the same thing.

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